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Is she interesting anymore what can I do?

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She is 46 with two children on 20 and one is 14. We met at work this year that I am new. We go out once at January, I was skeptikal finally I denied the relation and I did not call her again for about three months. The most important reason were the children because I really like her. After Easters we went out again, I did not know why this happened, probably because I like her. My family because I am single and all my friends are opposite to this relation, tell me that she is a hooker that want my money and she is going to hurt me. But the real problem is her.

After Easters we went out twice, I asked her to go out with me. In one of them we almost make love but we did not because she had her period time. We restricted to hot kisses. One day told me that she have to go to hospital for holilstic [sIZE=3][FONT=Calibri]Hysterectomy[/FONT][/sIZE]. I get to much worry of that operation as she told me to give blond for her but finally I did not as I had high blond pressure. After hospital and before was really strange especiallhy when she visit me at my home. Now have pains from the operation. She rarely calls but she is very polite when she did, usually she denied my plans for go out now have an excuse. She answers my sms with telephones, sometimes ignores them. When I try to start a conversation about our relation says that she does not know when our relation goes, probably to nowhere, probably to marriage and I have to stop press her. And if I want to call her I am not going to annoy her, and this is reality, now never calls, I call sometimes she want to go out but sometimes denied. I am not pleasant generally. From the one side I have the morality press of my family, that want a woman from a different status, now this woman can not offer me a baby and from the other side is the [sIZE=3][FONT=Calibri]Ambivalent behaviour of the woman herself. She looks indiferent but she do not...It is not a serious relation anyway when we can go out every 15 days. So I am here to write to you because it is Saturday she has no pain from the operation but she wants to stay at home with her daughter. I have a week now to see her. My family do not talk to me and I am very alone... Some words please to go on to my life. What I have to do with this woman? [/FONT][/sIZE] I wil tell you more in advanced.

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