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200 miles away...but needs space?

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sorry this is long but i feel background information is necessary. i met my girlfriend in 7th grade. i had a big crush on her but she hadn't started into relationships yet so nothing really happened at all. she moved and i didn't see her again until almost a year after i graduated high school. we were reunited through a friend and we hit it off. we became best friends and stayed that way for a couple months. i was falling for her so i told her how i felt. she felt the same way so we started dating. we are extremely attracted to eachother and love eachother alot. we talk about marriage and out futures together alot. we both want the same things and i had never been happier in my life and neither had she. her mother had to move to a city almost 200 miles upstate and she had no choice but to go with her. she was going to move back after 2 months with her older brother into our town again. after 2 months her brother hadnt bought a house yet so she couldnt come back. i saved up money every couple weeks to go and stay with her for a weekend. she has all new friends now and many of them are bad influences...drugs and alcohol wise. i dont disapprove of her friends though. i dont want to control who she hangs out with. thats not my place to do so. she is beginning to want to stay in her new town now because there are all sorts of fun thigns going on there all the time and she loves her new friends. she doesnt know if she wants to return anymore. but she says she still loves me and she still wants to be with me. i got enough money to go see her recently and she refused my visit. she said it wasnt a good time. a week later still wasnt a good time. i asked her what was wrong and why she didnt want to see me and she said she was confused in her life where she fits in and that she needed her space. she is not the kind of person that would cheat on somebody. it is strongly against her morals. so im not worried about that. i told her thats ok. if you need space then you can have it. i havent heard from her in a few days and im getting worried that im losing her. its driving me crazy.i cant get her out of my head and i cant sleep at night. i havent slept in 2 days. i dont know what to do. should i talk to her. if i tell how im feeling and that i need her ill sound like i'm needy and i dont want to annoy her when she needs space .i have hardly any friends. most of them moved away. so i'm lonely and i there isnt anyone around to talk to. she has a past history of troubling and abusive relationships even though she is young. so i think she is just pushing me away so that i dont have a chance to leave her. she told me before that she sometimes puts up a wall to protect herself. i think she is too afraid ill hurt her like many others have before or that she thinks i dont love her like i say i do. there is nothing i wouldnt do for this girl. i would cross the world for her. any advice on what i should do or what is going on. i dont want to lose her. i love her too much. please some advice anybody. i've never been so depressed

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She knows who you are and how you feel. That won't change. She won't "forget" you. You're both young. It's time to grow, experiment and find your path in life. She's doing that now, in her new town with her new friends. I'd suggest you do the same. True love stands the test of time and distance; just think of how you and she reconnected years after your first crush on her :)


I think you're in the process of learning an important life lesson. It might seem painful now but joy can flow from such pain. That is my wish for you :)

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thanks for the advice. the time and distance thing is true. if its meant to be then it'll eventually happen. of course it would be you carhill to reply to this thread. its like you have been with me on this whole thing. same girl since my first post

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OMG, I actually did something consistent? :D :D


Read my journals. I've got an epiphany coming up this week with the "friend". Life is never simple nor easy....

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