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Giving the green light?

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Same bat-show, same bat-channel.


So I think this guy likes me. I don't want to totally make the first move, since I think he prefers to be in control. Any ideas on giving a totally clear green light without making him feel like I'm actually initiating it?


Yeah, this might be a cheap trick, but I kind of think this is how he'd like to play it. So play we shall.


Again, the green light in this case is not for sex, since he wants to wait. Which I find rather charming.

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Forgive me if I don't precisely know where you and he are relationship-wise but, IMO, a perfectly normal "green light" would be, when parting company, to hold your embrace and give him a light kiss on the lips. Then quietly say goodnight/goodbye. I'm a little dense, but that would get my attention :) My bet is he will initiate this contact the next time.


If I'm completely wrong, I'm sure others will be along presently to correct me :D

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If he flirts around you, reciprocate. Also, as much as possible, avoid talking about other guys when you're near him, otherwise he'll be confused as to whether you're interested in him or "the other guys". And if he asks you out, go for it (assuming that you are actually available for the date). I mean, as a guy, I think these are clear enough signs in my opinion.


Edit: LOL man, if you go with carhill's advice, you definitely give him the BRIGHT green light. And if the guy's still confused at that point, then he's hopeless. (Lol j/k, or am I?) :)

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Maybe you could wear a T-shirt with a set of traffic lights on it. With some text saying, "Today's color is GREEN! But I may change soon!!"

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When the cake of a thread has been baked, then it's great to come along and add the icing. And if people don't like it, then they can always scrape it off. However, a cake is kind of bland without icing.

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Oh, gentlemen, you're funny.


Basically, he and I have been friends for a few months. We made out a couple of times, but generally just hung out. Lately, he's been a bit more physical than usual. Like, wrestling me more. The other day he was over here (that's a two-hour drive each way) we were wrestling and he kind of pulled me over him as he was rolling over so I was draped over him and we took a short nap. He kind of bench-pressed me, and as I hugged him good-bye, he blew a raspberry on my neck. The raspberry came when he was a bit inebriated, but the rest was just high on life him.


He can be very hot and cold and I don't really understand it, but this last time we were together, we had a little spat and he asked, "What can I do to make you happy right now, in this moment?" I told him that I'd enjoy some brews and chatting and he made it happen. I was totally blown away. Like, wow. We had a really serious talk, he told me about a lot of his beliefs and stuff (I asked) and when I asked him what he wanted out of life he talked about a life partner and stuff. Which we've never really discussed before. Then he asked me what I wanted, and it turned out to be fairly similar. But that was about it.


But when I called him this evening to apologize for being a jerk this weekend (I was, kind of) he got kind of weird on me. So I don't know. I think he's as confused as I am. :-)

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