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My girlfriend destroyed me please help!!!!

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we were going out and she said that she loved me so much and things were going so good for about 1 and a half monthes and then she said that we had drifted apart and that maybe we should break up.bid shocker for me since i was so madly in love.well i said give me another week to maybe turn your feelings around.she said ok.well during that week she said that i had nothing to worry about and that she loved me and that she was happy again and then one day after she goes well i have absolutely no feelings for you what so ever and lets break up.please help me on why she did that and maybe what she was thinking.i love her with all my heart and i was willing to sacrifice myself for her and she just shot me down after building me up.all i need is some council and please be blunt with me.

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Firstly, HOW OLD ARE YOU? You said that you've only been together for a month and a half????


well, firstly, you wanted BLUNT, so HERE'S BLUNT...she's an idiot. plain and simple. She is into playing games with people, and frankly if you fell for it, than you're not much brighter.


And TRUST me you'll get over it. She sounds like she couldn't be more than about 16 or 17 years old, and YOU sound like you don't have much in the way of self esteem.


So My advice is this...FORGET ABOUT THAT B*TCH! and focus on getting some self esteem, cause frankly, without a backbone, you are DOOMED TO get used and tossed away like yesterdays trash by women..


now, most women might think I'm nuts here, but I'm a woman and I think that MOST of us are screwed up little B*ITCHES, and that we will continually take advantage of those that give us the opportunity to do so.


SO get a SPINE Jeremy,...THEN you might be able to have a REAL relationship with a "woman" and not a child..



we were going out and she said that she loved me so much and things were going so good for about 1 and a half monthes and then she said that we had drifted apart and that maybe we should break up.bid shocker for me since i was so madly in love.well i said give me another week to maybe turn your feelings around.she said ok.well during that week she said that i had nothing to worry about and that she loved me and that she was happy again and then one day after she goes well i have absolutely no feelings for you what so ever and lets break up.please help me on why she did that and maybe what she was thinking.i love her with all my heart and i was willing to sacrifice myself for her and she just shot me down after building me up.all i need is some council and please be blunt with me.
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we were going out and she said that she loved me so much and things were going so good for about 1 and a half monthes and then she said that we had drifted apart and that maybe we should break up.bid shocker for me since i was so madly in love.well i said give me another week to maybe turn your feelings around.she said ok.well during that week she said that i had nothing to worry about and that she loved me and that she was happy again and then one day after she goes well i have absolutely no feelings for you what so ever and lets break up.please help me on why she did that and maybe what she was thinking.i love her with all my heart and i was willing to sacrifice myself for her and she just shot me down after building me up.all i need is some council and please be blunt with me.



How old is she? Frankly she doesn't know the meaning of love, if she can fall in and out of it so quickly. She sounds very immature, and I don't think her feelings go very deeply, if she can change her mind that much. She's jerking you around, and you're letting her by being there!


Find some girl that appreciates your feelings. You'll be a doormat for the rest of your life, if you let people walk over you. It's very difficult when you're in love with somebody, but don't completely lose your senses. REcognise when you are being jerked around, and have enough respect for yourself to get out. Good luck

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Totally Confused

You want blunt...she's not in love with you. If you ask me, she was pretty straight up and blunt with you herself. What part of I don't love you, don't you understand? She didn't carry this out...I give her credit. At least she didn't feed you some bull cucky lines, like give me time or can we be just friends. The only thing that she's guilty of is telling you she loved you when she didn't. But at the same time, when she told you that she did, she herself thought she really meant it. Unfortunately people mistake infatuation with being in love. When you love someone, you don't just stop all of a sudden. It was an infatuation. She liked you a lot, thought you were what she wanted and then changed her mind. You said, give me a week to change your mind (which by the way is not how love works) and she said OK. You tried super hard to get her to like you, she thought, wow, I guess he's cute and he's a nice guy, maybe I can make myself like him...and then as the week went on she decided, nope, don't like him.


Don't worry, you'll be fine. look at the bright side, at least she liked you in the first place. There are millions of other guys out there that she didn't choose, so obviously there were qualities about you that she liked enough to date you. Look at it this way, you were like a runner up in a beauty pageant. You didn't win, but you got into the semi-finals. No worries, because one day, you'll be the pageant winner with some other girl.

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Harold Emick

Hi Jeremy,


Get a grip, your young and there more fish in the ocean.


for years men has tried to figure women out, guess what they haven't done it yet. and the same goes for men to women can never figure us out eather. you will go through life and many relationships until you find the one girl who will spin your heart so fast that you will yell stop. I know how that hurts to loose, but your strong and you will make a comeback.


if you think about and dewell on it all the time you will put yourself into a state of bad depression, and that won't help. let go, keep the good memoreys and the good times in your heart, because they were your happy moments. if you feel strongly about her then by all means keep fighting for her, only you can decide which way you want to go. stop and think, is she that special to you?????? hang tough bro.


with me not knowing that much about it i can't say much about it, but from the sound of it she lost interest somewhere along the line. (why).


that would be a good starting point. keep in touch with me and let me know if i can help. but first you need to find out why. <e-mail address removed>.

we were going out and she said that she loved me so much and things were going so good for about 1 and a half monthes and then she said that we had drifted apart and that maybe we should break up.bid shocker for me since i was so madly in love.well i said give me another week to maybe turn your feelings around.she said ok.well during that week she said that i had nothing to worry about and that she loved me and that she was happy again and then one day after she goes well i have absolutely no feelings for you what so ever and lets break up.please help me on why she did that and maybe what she was thinking.i love her with all my heart and i was willing to sacrifice myself for her and she just shot me down after building me up.all i need is some council and please be blunt with me.
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