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What does this dream mean?

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Recently, I have been having strange dreams. The other day, I dreamt about traveling in train and it getting late to the destination…I don’t know what the destination was and where it was taking me….but the ride was quite un-comfortable. And the other one I had was celebrating with my friends in a resort…..now do the two link together….???
What would Edgar Cayce recommend? He was a believer in dreams.

The first thing you should do is document your dreams as well as you can. Every morning, before getting out of bed, try to recall as many dreams, and as detailed as you can. Put everything in writing immediately afterward. You would need to do this for days if not weeks.

You can spend some time studying or meditating on the dreams. It may take time.


You are the best person to interpret your own dreams. Some dreams are prophetic, some provide advice, and some provide warnings. The dreams may be telling you to pay closer attention to something. Maybe you aren't asking the right question/s. Your chances of success are dependent on how sincere you are in finding your answer.


Cayce called sleep the shadow of death because it is the time when the soul becomes active. He believed that souls synchronize and tune based on patterns or waves. The communication should be metaphorical for the most part.

I think patterns and waves can transcend space and time.

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I've always considered dreaming a time where your subconscious mind is allowed free reign to mesh with the conscious mind. The subconscious mind picks up A LOT more information than your conscious mind and I believe, in wholly different ways including how it processes information, in that I'm not convinced it even does process information. Perhaps it takes the conscious mind to take a substantial amount of absorbed data, with no rhyme or reason, and attempt to put the information into some form of logical order that you, as a person, can understand and/or utilize.


All just my opinion since I'm no dream interpreter or psych major.

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dont waste your time trying to interpret dreams. last night I had a dream about riding in a car with my friends, the driver was driving too fast, hydroplaned and we went into a lake and almost all drowned. Why did I have this dream? because that day I had been hanging out with all them and we were driving, he was speeding and we had been swimming in a lake earlier. Don't analyze your dreams.

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Dreams are interesing. Note them down and record them if you like. Make movies based on them for supreme lulz (like David Lynch). But, as Mahatma says, don't waste your time analysing them.




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