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Bar chicks worth banging, not worth dating


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Don't you think it is not gentleman-like to be calling women sluts? Did your parents ever teach you how to treat women?


The constructive reasoning would be to agree with the throng of female trumpeters as was done by a previous poster and suggest that they take matters into their own hands by not dating promiscuous men, which works well for me. I could not be promiscuous if I wanted to be. Or better yet suggest that promiscuity should be every womans right. The abolition of this declared double standard benefits me in every way imaginable.


I thought for some silly reason that people might actually want to discuss the issue instead of pat each other on the back, and agree on how horrible men are amongst ourselves. The fact that this is not so much a double standard as it is a case of basic human biology.


I've never had a woman so I don't know how to treat them.

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The constructive reasoning would be to agree with the throng of female trumpeters as was done by a previous poster and suggest that they take matters into their own hands by not dating promiscuous men, which works well for me. I could not be promiscuous if I wanted to be. Or better yet suggest that promiscuity should be every womans right. The abolition of this declared double standard benefits me in every way imaginable.


I thought for some silly reason that people might actually want to discuss the issue instead of pat each other on the back, and agree on how horrible men are amongst ourselves. The fact that this is not so much a double standard as it is a case of basic human biology.


Maybe I shouldn't ask.


For men, why the hypocrisy, I only ask? If you don't like promiscuous women, why be promiscuous yourself? You're of the same traits you despise in a woman.

And if one is all for promiscuity for himself, don't take it against women for feeding the same needs they have.

It's all about dominance and territory. They cannot handle the thought of their partner being with other men. Plus they want to feel special and only replicate the same nonsense they hear from other males.


Regarldess, it comes down to personal choice, but there is nothing more infuriating than men who have slept with 20+ women and want a relationship with a woman who has had less partners than he can count on one hand. Does he really think he's that special that the same rules don't apply to him?

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pPluuuuuss statistically women have more sex but say they have less.


Men have less but say they have more.


So when she says she has had half as men partners as him we figure we're probably about even

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pPluuuuuss statistically women have more sex but say they have less.


Men have less but say they have more.


So when she says she has had half as men partners as him we figure we're probably about even



So what does that tell you then? if women lie about the amount of partners they have and tend to have as many if not more, only men don't hear about it because women hide it well, where does that leave that theory that women and men are bilolgically different sexually speaking? is is bioligical that women don't have more sex because we don't desire it as much as men, or is it psychological because of oppresion and all the years of being considered "SLUTS" for wanting to express our sexual desires?



sorry but you are contradicting your own arguments here, you keep saying women should be called sluts if they go off and have a lot of sex and then turn around and agree that women have the same amount of sex as men but manage to hide and you still insist women who have a lot of sex are sluts.



your own pattenr of thinking has no rhyme or reason. so back to the original post of this topic, if men are going to put down women who sleep around then don't do the same thing yourselves because you are just as much a slut, and you can be considered a slut, women now a days can just as easily discard men they feel are slutty because we don't depend on having to hook a man for marriage anymore because we can sustain ourselves both financially and socially so we don't "need" men any more, we just want them in our lives but we don't "need" to compromise our own beliefs and needs to get a man and I think that is where a lot of the anger in today's male stems from.


a funny thing happens when you given another human being equal power, you no longer hold "power" over them so the one that was supposed to be submissive in order to get ahead no longer has to be subservient.


makes you angry? tough! :p

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I'm sorry but what end result are you talking about?


well why sleep with all those women in the first place that's the point?

why do you say a certain amount of detachment is required, pick women you can get to know on an emotional level and then sleep with them and if you do get attached then go with it rather than choosing women who you purposely have no desire to date.


your post doesn't really make sense, if you can't find a loving relationship if you can't get a date, what makes you think that sleeping around will get you a date when it's the guy that is deciding he doesn't even want to date the women he sleeps with????


I don't buy this nonsense that men need more sex than women I think women have just been opressed from expressing themselves sexually and society has defined both genders different sexually, I think we tend to have the same urges we just manifest them differently.


If you look at the results from that study... it just shows women tend to be less honest than men. This may result from social pressures... but we knew this crap already.


In regards to the rest of your post. You missed my point.


Men who are successful in getting dates are the ones who project confidence and self assuredness. It's an irrefutable fact. For many guys this does not come naturally. Being detached is the best way to get there. That is why guys always give this type of advice! Personally I think there are better ways of getting that detachment and confidence than sleeping with hobags.


The guys who care too much fail. It's the way of the world


As for female sexual repression... I don't really know. Maybe that social pressure is a good thing? We've never been without it, so I can't say for sure.


I'm not a big fan of cheating... don't you think lots more women would cheat if you removed the social pressure? What kind of society do you want to live in? I like to think I value children and family.

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yeah I read the thread there is nothing taken out of context, there are three posts, the original post which asks how can he find a girlfriend instead of just women who want to sleep with him, he also clearly states he hates one night stands and feels bad about them the next day, another post and then yours that says " DON'T date those chicks but keep banging them anyway.


Ok sugarkiss, here's the OP:


the only places i meet girls are at the bar or at a party because i work all day during the summer. it always goes down the same way, it will be last call then me and my friend go get something to eat and girls tag along, then i want to go home and they usually come then we go to our own rooms and have sex, but if i say i dont want to have sex they think im gay.


So right here is the definition of bar chicks? Is this how YOU act when you go to bars? Seem like you are the ones putting them down. I don't think normal bar chicks act this way, that's why I said "those bar chicks".


And even in your quote of what I typed, I said "keep banging the bar chicks". The word "keep" implies pre-existing condition. Meaning "bang" those same women he described -- not all women, not bar chicks, but specifically bar chicks that only want sex and if they don't get it, they'll call you gay.


Now tell me again how you didn't take this out of context?


This is funny, I tried to clarify myself on page 11, and even if you disagree, the most you can blame me for is not being clear enough, or disagree with my stance like sally4sara. But instead you insult me and claim that I hate all women that go to bars.


First you stick a gun in my hand, then you proceed to shoot me because I have a gun in my hand. What's your agenda here? Are you feeling guilty about your bar ONSs? Remember my stance is sex is good, as long as both parties know what they're doing. So if you had ONSs and you enjoyed them, I'd like to shake your hand. Any sort of negativity comes from you reconciling your actions with yourself internally, I don't want to be a part of it. I'm the wrong guy to beat up in order to feel better about yourself.

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SugarKiss and Fishtaco,


I think this boils down to how we don't feel the effect of what we project as sensitively as the people exposed to it. A guy can say the views Fishtaco has advised and feel he isn't dishing out contempt because he doesn't feel the implications of his words as much as the women who hear his message. He also hasn't had to struggle with society attempting to make him feel ashamed of his sexual urges. It doesn't have to mean he feels satisfaction in the idea of women being viewed as low or trashy. For him it would just be a fact of life because it hinders him in no way to hold these views. Nothing has made him take stock of the effect of this view on women.

But I don't think it has to mean that he has a wish to "keep the women down". Its like what Stock said about how it doesn't bother him and he doesn't feel compelled to correct anyone about something that doesn't effect him. I don't agree with that stance but it isn't a tyrannical or evil one.

What people don't understand is that even though the common double standard view seems to only negatively effect women, it doesn't. The backlash is what we see all the time in the anti-feminist posts guys put on here at least once a month about self entitled, demanding women who are to blame for their recent failure to have a good relationship.

People don't seem to make the correlation between oppression of African Americans and the oppression of women. Women still couldn't vote for a while after that law was passed for African Americans to be able to do so. As a negative result of oppressing both interest groups, we see instances of over sensitivity to anything that could possibly be misconstrued as someone still holding "ignorant" ideals. Sometimes even the attitude of righteous dishing out of a poor treatment without recognizing that poor treatment will always be wrong even if it is in the name of restitution.

The result is a guy not recognizing the implications of his words because he has never been in the position of being wounded the same way.

SugarKiss - I don't think he meant any harm.

Fishtaco - try to recognize the deeper implications behind what you espouse.

Can we all kiss and make up now? :)



Thank you for this, it is so perfectly worded. this is exactly it. I can't speak for the person that started this topic but I know that even before having it pointed out that this topic was discussed elsewhere on this site, I had heard this idea many many times before from other guys, it is not the first or last time that a guy will put down women to another guy and yet insist he take advantage of being with those women sexually anyway.


sadly it happens all the time. and furthermore women from a very young age are taught that sex is something to not be explored, a lot of young women are instilled fear by their parents or superiors that sex is a bad act or an act that should not be enjoyed by a woman until she is married or what have you, while men from a very young age are patted on the back for every score they get and in some cultures fathers even get their sons prostitutes to help them lose their viginity!?!? WTF!?!? why?

some women have very early programming of sex being something taboo or not ladylike if explored plus the fear of pregnancy where as men are just taught to go for it.


well it is no wonder men think about sex more often and are considered the more sexual gender, they have also been conditioned to embrace sex from a very young age and names like "slut" or skank or tramp don't help women in their progress of acceptance of exploring their sexuality so yes this is a sensitive subject with women. if we are all aiming towards the same goal, mutual satisfaction and pleasure why the abels and irrational putdowns?


it's as if we women started to tell other women "hey if you get a guy with an average sized penis dump him right away but use him for dinners and and let him spend money on you for dates but NEVER consider a relationship with an average penised man" that would be completely unfair of women to propagate that to each other, as I am sure there are a lot of men with average sized penises that make great partners, fathers and husbands but for men the size of his penis is a delicate subject.



I'll kiss and make up with Fishtaco but I won't go home with him, I "ain't no slut you know" or am I....?;):p

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sally4sara thank you. I see you are trying to resolve the whole "taken out of context" issue sugarkiss and I are having. I agree, it is pointless. So I won't post anymore on that topic.


Sugarkiss, I posted that response before I read your response. So you can disregard that, I'm not interested in pursuing that further.


I'd think a more valid discussion would be:

1) if it's okay for a man to sleep around with consenting women while looking for a long term relationship.

2) if it's okay for a woman to sleep around with consenting men while looking for a long term relationship.


If anyone has different answers for both, then they subscribe to some form of double standard. I stand by my word that I don't buy into the double standard. My answer for 1) and 2) are yes, and yes.


Also why bring detachment and building up confidence or whatever into it? Maybe guys like to have ONS's because they like sex? Men are not some sort of evil mastermind with a plan for world domination, one chick at a time. They just feel horny after a few beers and want to get laid. If they can find a chick that happens to be horny and want to get laid, then what's the problem here?

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First you stick a gun in my hand, then you proceed to shoot me because I have a gun in my hand. What's your agenda here? Are you feeling guilty about your bar ONSs? Remember my stance is sex is good, as long as both parties know what they're doing. So if you had ONSs and you enjoyed them, I'd like to shake your hand. Any sort of negativity comes from you reconciling your actions with yourself internally, I don't want to be a part of it. I'm the wrong guy to beat up in order to feel better about yourself.



you stuck your own gun in your own hand, man up to it. no one was talking about "you" here until you brought the spotlight onto yourself. up until you joined the discussion on page 11 it was just a topic of discussion and then you brought the spotlight onto yourself and didn't like being in the hotseat and are now trying to pass the buck.


get over yourself will you?

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I'd think a more valid discussion would be:

1) if it's okay for a man to sleep around with consenting women while looking for a long term relationship.

2) if it's okay for a woman to sleep around with consenting men while looking for a long term relationship.


If anyone has different answers for both, then they subscribe to some form of double standard. I stand by my word that I don't buy into the double standard. My answer for 1) and 2) are yes, and yes.


Also why bring detachment and building up confidence or whatever into it? Maybe guys like to have ONS's because they like sex? Men are not some sort of evil mastermind with a plan for world domination, one chick at a time. They just feel horny after a few beers and want to get laid. If they can find a chick that happens to be horny and want to get laid, then what's the problem here?



great then start your own topic of conversation then why are you trying to make this about you and what you want to ask? gees!! :rolleyes:

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Wow, I thought we were done with this personal attack. Okay I'm out.

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Wow, I thought we were done with this personal attack. Okay I'm out.


personal attack? it's only fair that you make your own discussion post since you insist in making this about you...

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? Men are not some sort of evil mastermind with a plan for world domination, one chick at a time. They just feel horny after a few beers and want to get laid. If they can find a chick that happens to be horny and want to get laid, then what's the problem here?



"the problem here" is that men like you tell other men to NEVER date the types of women who happen to be doing the exact same thing you are doing, and that is called hypocrisy.

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"the problem here" is that men like you tell other men to NEVER date the types of women who happen to be doing the exact same thing you are doing, and that is called hypocrisy.


Nothing against FT, but I agree. Thats why I don't go to clubs. And if I go to a bar on an occasional Friday after work for a beer with friends, it is to chat, not to pick up women. I'm in the bar at 6 and out by 7.

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Nothing against FT, but I agree. Thats why I don't go to clubs. And if I go to a bar on an occasional Friday after work for a beer with friends, it is to chat, not to pick up women. I'm in the bar at 6 and out by 7.



right so you practice what you preach, and I totally respect that. no one said you "must date" people you meet at bars you have every right to choose where and who you want to date but don't be a hypocrite about it.

thank goodness I was starting to think there weren't any cool guys left out here.

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Oh yeah, BTW, sugarkiss, I just put you on my ignore list so I can't see what you wrote. I suggest you put me on your ignore list too.


Good day.

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Ok sugarkiss, here's the OP:




So right here is the definition of bar chicks? Is this how YOU act when you go to bars? Seem like you are the ones putting them down. I don't think normal bar chicks act this way, that's why I said "those bar chicks".


And even in your quote of what I typed, I said "keep banging the bar chicks". The word "keep" implies pre-existing condition. Meaning "bang" those same women he described -- not all women, not bar chicks, but specifically bar chicks that only want sex and if they don't get it, they'll call you gay.


If they are "bar chicks" and he's been banging them, then that makes him a "bar dick" because their behavior is exactly the same...banging many strangers.


So the bar chicks are undateable for the bar dick, but he should keep being a bar dick until he meets a more dateable woman...that's your advice.


You don't see the hypocrisy?

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If they are "bar chicks" and he's been banging them, then that makes him a "bar dick" because their behavior is exactly the same...banging many strangers.


So the bar chicks are undateable for the bar dick, but he should keep being a bar dick until he meets a more dateable woman...that's your advice.


You don't see the hypocrisy?




that's exactly it. and no he won't see the hypocrisy because it is more convenient that way.



Fishtaco: I am not going to put you on ignore, I am a big girl and can totally handle what you have to say doesn't intimidate me or discomfort me in any way so why would I ignore what you have to say? I can have a discusion with another person I disagree with, sorry you have to resort to ignoring those that don't agree with you

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If you look at the results from that study... it just shows women tend to be less honest than men. This may result from social pressures... but we knew this crap already.


In regards to the rest of your post. You missed my point.


Men who are successful in getting dates are the ones who project confidence and self assuredness. It's an irrefutable fact. For many guys this does not come naturally. Being detached is the best way to get there. That is why guys always give this type of advice! Personally I think there are better ways of getting that detachment and confidence than sleeping with hobags.


The guys who care too much fail. It's the way of the world


As for female sexual repression... I don't really know. Maybe that social pressure is a good thing? We've never been without it, so I can't say for sure.


I'm not a big fan of cheating... don't you think lots more women would cheat if you removed the social pressure? What kind of society do you want to live in? I like to think I value children and family.


First of all alot more women ARE cheating. welcome to equality and welcome to what's good for the goose is good for the gander. women have been dealing with male infidelity for centuries and now men are being cheated on more...oooh boooo-hoooo-hoooo. doesn't feel so good does it? doesn't feel so good to be slapped in the face by the person you love and thought loved you too, does it?


honestly? I find it sad too, was just trying to prove a point earlier. now women have gained more power sexually and men have as much at stake to lose as women do. and in a sense it is hurting us more but maybe if it gets really out of control we can look forward to a society that has more empathy for one another as opposed to just thinking for themselves and what is satisfying to them only.


"As for female sexual repression... I don't really know. Maybe that social pressure is a good thing? We've never been without it, so I can't say for sure."


so what's wrong with men feeling the pressure and opression for a change? why do women have to be the responsible ones for that matter? "because it has always been like this?" that's lame! why can't we teaching men to practice being responsible for a change? why does it have to be the woman's job?

care to give us some good reasons why?

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Ok heres my way of thinking.


I personally wont pursue a relationship with a girl who is "easy," but we can still have fun together.


All guys are "easy," so you can't really say much about that.



If I am looking for a relationship, you wont find me in a bar.

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Ok heres my way of thinking.


I personally wont pursue a relationship with a girl who is "easy," but we can still have fun together.


But then you'd become easy yourself and much less desirable to decent women.



All guys are "easy," so you can't really say much about that.


I can count my partners on one hand.

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First of all alot more women ARE cheating. welcome to equality and welcome to what's good for the goose is good for the gander. women have been dealing with male infidelity for centuries and now men are being cheated on more...oooh boooo-hoooo-hoooo. doesn't feel so good does it? doesn't feel so good to be slapped in the face by the person you love and thought loved you too, does it?


honestly? I find it sad too, was just trying to prove a point earlier. now women have gained more power sexually and men have as much at stake to lose as women do. and in a sense it is hurting us more but maybe if it gets really out of control we can look forward to a society that has more empathy for one another as opposed to just thinking for themselves and what is satisfying to them only.


"As for female sexual repression... I don't really know. Maybe that social pressure is a good thing? We've never been without it, so I can't say for sure."


so what's wrong with men feeling the pressure and opression for a change? why do women have to be the responsible ones for that matter? "because it has always been like this?" that's lame! why can't we teaching men to practice being responsible for a change? why does it have to be the woman's job?

care to give us some good reasons why?


This is precisely the type of woman that deserves to be played. It doesn't matter how well a man treats a woman he still deserves to be cheated because it is payback time according to this poster. And people wonder why I have such a low opinion of women.

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This is precisely the type of woman that deserves to be played. It doesn't matter how well a man treats a woman he still deserves to be cheated because it is payback time according to this poster. And people wonder why I have such a low opinion of women.


That attitude, while not right, is the natural backlash sometimes seen out of oppressed people once they find their voice. Just like you when you are all riled up and angry at women because of what you've gone through in the past. You start projecting it at anyone resembling the people who wounded you. In your case it is women. In their case it is men. In African Americans it would be Crackers/Whitey. (Oh damn! how the name Cracker makes me giggle!)

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That attitude, while not right, is the natural backlash sometimes seen out of oppressed people once they find their voice. Just like you when you are all riled up and angry at women because of what you've gone through in the past. You start projecting it at anyone resembling the people who wounded you. In your case it is women. In their case it is men. In African Americans it would be Crackers/Whitey. (Oh damn! how the name Cracker makes me giggle!)


Oh well if she ever gets played I will be right there laughing at her. It's the mentality of the typical woman today and this is why men are better off as players that use and abuse women. That's all women think we are anyway.

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