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Bar chicks worth banging, not worth dating


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Maybe I shouldn't ask.


Regarldess, it comes down to personal choice, but there is nothing more infuriating than men who have slept with 20+ women and want a relationship with a woman who has had less partners than he can count on one hand. Does he really think he's that special that the same rules don't apply to him?


Yes, this is certainly infuriating. It seems to me he is setting himself up for a letdown. Here he is with all this experience, and his little doe-eyed sexual neophyte will simply not be able to pleasure him...or she will have a steep learning curve ahead.


With who I'm dating, I beat his number by two or three. But we're mid-30s, and it doesn't leave counting on two hands for either of us, so I think we've both been discriminating without missing out on one of the greatest pleasures in life.


And he's never really been one to frequent bars. :D

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the bottom line here is the women that are very open about their sexuality, ie let other people see that they are very in tune with their sexuality are not sluts they are "dumb" (no offense to any women at all I am just trying to make my point) but the smart woman just hides it really really well and continues on the be the good "slut" that she is, without any man catching on. and if she wants to land a guy for a long term relationship status she lays on the good girl act even thicker. so the joke is on the men who adhere to labeling women and "look" for good girls while they themselves do excatly what they fault women to do because you don't even get a good girl you just get a smart one that knows how to hide it well. as I am sure you also downplay how many sexual partners you've had if you were a total player...


I'm going to have to argue with you here because honesty is a standard I hold myself to. If I am honest and a guy passes me over for what he learns, then he isn't someone I would want to date. Therefore nothing was lost that I would want in the first place.

I don't lie about my actions. I won't be made to feel like I have to. Feeling like I have to lie and doing so is allowing myself to be controlled by the double standard. I say let the institution die and lying to catch a guy who subscribes to it will do nothing to hasten it's demise; quite the opposite actually. And if I'm willing to behave in a manner that generates the double standard I can't very well get upset about it now can I?

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I think this is a troll


... women are just as strong as men

.... women should view sex the same as men....



LOL.....Back now on planet earth

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I'm going to have to argue with you here because honesty is a standard I hold myself to. If I am honest and a guy passes me over for what he learns, then he isn't someone I would want to date. Therefore nothing was lost that I would want in the first place.

I don't lie about my actions. I won't be made to feel like I have to. Feeling like I have to lie and doing so is allowing myself to be controlled by the double standard. I say let the institution die and lying to catch a guy who subscribes to it will do nothing to hasten it's demise; quite the opposite actually. And if I'm willing to behave in a manner that generates the double standard I can't very well get upset about it now can I?



well I never said you must lie about it, I just said I can see why women choose to do so. it wasn't to argue with other women what they should or should not do I was just making a point that in order to save face because of the labels given to women by overly critcal and hypocritical men, some women feel it's better to do the old "what you don't know won't hurt you"


more often than not a man will judge a woman on her sexual past, even if he decides to stay with her.

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Because men really, really like to have sex (this is what drives men to approach women) but the men also want to make sure the woman hasn't been impregnated by another male a couple of weeks before. By requiring a wooing period, the men increase the likelyhood that the resulting child is actually theirs.

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Because men really, really like to have sex (this is what drives men to approach women) but the men also want to make sure the woman hasn't been impregnated by another male a couple of weeks before. By requiring a wooing period, the men increase the likelyhood that the resulting child is actually theirs.



So men advise other men to use and chuck easy women until a good one comes along to ensure they are not pegnant from another dude!?!? sorry I don't see the correlation to this topic.


women really really like to have sex too that's why we women accept advances from men if we didn't all men would be gay because women would not be interested in sex. conditioning made us less expressive that doesn't mean we don't get aroused as much.


and requiring a wooing period is natural and that would never be disputed, requiring infinite amount of women to sleep with until you find the one you want to woo that is a different story.

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Because men really, really like to have sex (this is what drives men to approach women) but the men also want to make sure the woman hasn't been impregnated by another male a couple of weeks before. By requiring a wooing period, the men increase the likelyhood that the resulting child is actually theirs.


Im sorry but no. Who is thinking about bringing a child into the world when looking for casual sex? We've seen those threads.......the people are not happy about the situation.

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I think the difference is between men who are strong-minded and those who are weak-minded.


I totally agree! And it's easy to spot the weak-minded ones on this thread, eh? ;)

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i was technically a 'bar chick' when i met sam.


apparently, i was not only bang-worthy, but also marriage-worthy. it depends on the situation.


some girls are in bars to drink, have fun with friends, and go home. not all are looking to be randomly banged by horny guys looking for a cheap lay.


who knew? :rolleyes:

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So if a woman slaps me I can slap her back ? because men and women are treated equally ?


I think the whole point is to treat women LESS negatively when actions of both sexes are so similar. Why hold one to standards that you yourself likely cannot manage to achieve? Women are human, far from the idealistic perfection only religion endorses.

And if you think women having too much sex is so "BAD" that it would prevent you from dating her, what makes you think you deserve a virgin or a woman with few sex partners when you are a "manwhore"? Just asking, assuming you are of the promiscuous set looking for innocense in a partner, discriminating all else.

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I really don't and for the record I'd like to date a bar slut because at least that way I'd be getting something, and for free.



But you refuse to look at any point of view aside from your own. The only discussion has been you girls agreeing with each other and you girls deal only in absolutes.


No measure of individual accountability you simplify the issue to a case of men being jerks. Women should be held to a higher level of accountability in sleeping around at bars. You won't hear a word of that and I guess like me you are your own worst enemy.


What accountability? What actually happens as punishment if they sleep around too much? They offend other "bar sluts" or jerks to be rejected by? wow.. big loss!

I'm sure mature men who are secure in themselves and the relationship wouldn't think too emotionally deep about a woman who has had her fair share of relationships.

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What accountability? What actually happens as punishment if they sleep around too much? They offend other "bar sluts" or jerks to be rejected by? wow.. big loss!

I'm sure mature men who are secure in themselves and the relationship wouldn't think too emotionally deep about a woman who has had her fair share of relationships.


If you're trying to bring the R word into this discussion you're having, give it up. His only R's have been with paid prostitutes.

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