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Dealing with awkwardness

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How do people deal with rejection when it comes to someone they see everyday....like at school or work?


I mean, what do you say when you see that person again? Or do you just not talk anymore?


What if that person ends up getting into a relationship sometime after?


I wonder how others have dealt with this situation.

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That situation sucks. I personally would avoid them until the sting is gone, then proceed as I did before the rejection.


If it was too painful, then I'd just cut my losses and maintain minimum contact. Always be civil, of course, but never go out of my way to be extra nice or see them more than I needed to.

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How do people deal with rejection when it comes to someone they see everyday....like at school or work?


I mean, what do you say when you see that person again? Or do you just not talk anymore?


What if that person ends up getting into a relationship sometime after?


I wonder how others have dealt with this situation.


It's business as usual minus the flirting and taking things to be signals.

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I dated my best friend who got me a job where he worked. When we first broke up it was definately hard. I was still tempted to go to his desk and say hello, as he still wanted to be friends. And for awhile I tried to act like nothing had happened that we were just friends. It didnt last, he turned into an ass, lies came out from when we were together and he started dating his other friend a month later. I no longer talk to him, and avoid his desk at all costs.

Its really up to what your up to. If u want to talk keep it work related, toss all personal stuff out the door.

If you think old feeling will get in the way, no contact is the best way to go, until they are completly gone. Be polite though. And definately dont talk to other coworkers about it.

Its not easy, but will get easier.

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It's business as usual minus the flirting and taking things to be signals.


That is as simple and as you can put it. It takes strength to see it as so uncomplicated but definitely is a true statement. I'm about to go through this awkwardness myself and will adopt this mentality and try to not over-analyze or hope. It will test the strength of your will and belief in yourself.

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This is the WORST situation is dating, IMHO. Even if the person was extremely kind in the rejection. Forget talking, I cannot even look at the person in the face anymore. Seriously, it's that uncomfortable.


I once asked a girl out in grade school, when rejected, I couldn't talk to her throughout all of high school. Sometimes she would come and talk to me and say that it was not a big deal, but it was too wierd. It's like when you tell someone you're into them, they have leverage over you. And you're most vulnerable; no one can feel comfortable when their defenses are down.

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It all depends on why she rejects you. I've been rejected by a girl at work who claimed a hardline policy of never dating someone she worked with. A few months later, she turned around and started dating a guy who was higher up the corporate ladder than I was. Another girl I asked out at work turned out to be married.


In the first case, I lost a lot of respect for the girl. Not because she turned me down, but because she had so little respect for me that she told such a bold-faced lie and then proved it as such. Many people in the office (who knew I liked her and that she rejected me) dubbed her a rat for what she did. In retrospect, they were more offended by what she did than I was. Needless to say, I don't have much to do with her anymore. At least, she could've dated a good guy, even if it wasn't me. The guy she's with is disliked by most everyone in the office for various reasons, 99% of which are his fault.


In the second case, she turned out to be married (she doesn't wear her band at work, but she does have the tan line...as I later discovered). She and I still get along great and flirt constantly.


That being said, I am pretty chickens__t about asking out chicks that I work with for the very reason of this entire thread. I've asked out three chicks from work; the two I mentioned earlier, and a third who had a boyfriend (confirmed true). This is over three years of working here. We're supposed to be getting a knockout coming in next Monday, so we'll see...

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...(she doesn't wear her band at work, but she does have the tan line...as I later discovered)...

Okay, so I was wrong. She had the band on today. First time I've seen her with it. It's a really nice ring, too!


But the rest of my post stands as is.




We now return you to your regularly scheduled life, already in progress...

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