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He says he still loves me. But ...

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Ok, so I have a really complicated relationship history so I will spare you guys the whole story. But just to get you up-to-date, my boyfriend Jeff and I had been dating for over 6 months, when we just decided we needed a break (we are both very involved in sports and have very busy lives). We were still very much in love, and talked often, which was contrary to my previous experiences with exes (as I usually just cut them off completely - less messy).


Anyway, he and I are notorious "players," so after I started hearing some things, I didn't know who to believe. After this went on for a while, I got fed up, not to mention I really needed to get some ; ) So I ended up hooking up with one of his football teammates (he's the captain), who has liked me for a while. It meant nothing to me, blah, blah, blah, and now that I think about it, I just did it out of spite. Horrible idea.


Anyway, he's a great guy, and forgave me - but his best friend didn't. We ended up hooking up recently, and he says he still loves me. But ... ?! I don't really know, and I'm not going to be the behind-the-scenes girlfriend until he finds the balls to tell his friend. So what do you guys think, did I just get played, or is he sincere? Should we give it another shot?

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Given the captain-of-football-team context and overall juvenile conduct, I'd say you are in high school with time left to serve.


Your relationship is over. You don't trust him (perhaps for good reason) and you aren't faithful. Walk away and spend some time contemplating what mistakes you made in this relationship such that you don't repeat them in future ones.

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