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theres this girl i really like. I have taken her to the movies and to dinner a few times

and we watch movies at her house.

and hang out all the time

she loves to tickle me and i like to tickle her back. i m pretty sure she likes me but i dont know i dont date to much .i just dont know where to go from here if anyone could give a segestion


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WEll, if she "tickles" your fancy - go for it!! (No pun intended, of course) :p


Seriously....with all the hanging out and tickling each other it sounds like she likes you. I mean, I certainly wouldn't tickle all up on a guy that I didn't like. I mean, come on dude, look at the obvious..she is trying to flirt with you..so just keep dating and flirting and tickling and things will fall into place.


Or if you just can't wait - just ask her how she feels.

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I've found if girls touch you; they like you.

If they take your stuff; they like you.


There was this girl in high school who used to take my hat and wear it. So i always brought a backup so i could wear another one. Jesus i was such an idiot back then.


Go for it man! Sounds like she feels the same way! Good luck.

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well advice has been taken and I appreciate the help

tonight I'm getting home cooked lasagna at her place


Spence :D

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