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One night my boyfriend and my friends went out at night. We plan to go eat dinner at this nice restaurant and then maybe go to a dance club or watch a movie. When things went bad, my boyfriend got a ticket, one of my friend got lost going to a restaurant where we suppose to meet, my friend's car got a flat tire on a way of picking up his friend. I was upset not that one of friend couldn't make it or my boyfriend getting the ticket or the flat tire, but the fact that the was almost over and we hadn't had fun yet. My boyfriend blamed on me for getting the ticket and wasting his time for going out and that he's gonna get trouble with his parent for coming home thirty minutes late. Is this my fault for making a terrible plan?

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You should tell your boyfriend to grow up and accept his responsibility. Everyone makes mistakes, and I am sure you will certainly learn from this one. If he is not happy with the way you organise things, then maybe he should plan the next date. As for your friend getting lost....well that can definately not be your fault. If they didn't know where to go, they should have checked directions before leaving the house.

One night my boyfriend and my friends went out at night. We plan to go eat dinner at this nice restaurant and then maybe go to a dance club or watch a movie. When things went bad, my boyfriend got a ticket, one of my friend got lost going to a restaurant where we suppose to meet, my friend's car got a flat tire on a way of picking up his friend. I was upset not that one of friend couldn't make it or my boyfriend getting the ticket or the flat tire, but the fact that the was almost over and we hadn't had fun yet. My boyfriend blamed on me for getting the ticket and wasting his time for going out and that he's gonna get trouble with his parent for coming home thirty minutes late. Is this my fault for making a terrible plan?
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Sometimes things in life just don't turn out as you would like them to. You could plan and evening to the very last detail, such as you have, and it can turn out to be a disaster. Don't worry about it, such is life. Take what life deals you. If something goes wrong and you don't feel it is your fault, just say "Oh well maybe next time things will be better". And if I may pass a small judgement, if your boyfriend wants to blame you for something that you have absolutely no control over then maybe you need to re-evaluate your relationship with him. Big deal if he was 30 minutes late getting home. His parents will not ground him for life. And if you feel love for this person then talk to him. Tell him that you had good intentions planning this evening and that you are just as disapointed that it didn't turn out well. Communication always helps. I have always found that when going out with friends or boyfriends things work out way much better if you just go with the flow. Planning never seems to work out as you so wish that it does. But it is in no way your fault at all.

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.tou can tell you boyfriend that no one is perfect in this world

You should tell your boyfriend to grow up and accept his responsibility. Everyone makes mistakes, and I am sure you will certainly learn from this one. If he is not happy with the way you organise things, then maybe he should plan the next date. As for your friend getting lost....well that can definately not be your fault. If they didn't know where to go, they should have checked directions before leaving the house.
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