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Energizer Bunny

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Energizer Bunny

After my girlfriend and I make love, I soon become flacid, and soft again. I was wondering if this is a problem. We would BOTH like to continue making love but often tire of trying to re-arouse my penis... Any tips?! Any pointers!? I am normal right!? I was wondering how SOON after ejaculation the penis is supposed stay soft... and HOW SOON can it be arousd again!! Ladies and Gentlemen... please both write seriously on your experience, and advice! Thanks...

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After my girlfriend and I make love, I soon become flacid, and soft again. I was wondering if this is a problem. We would BOTH like to continue making love but often tire of trying to re-arouse my penis... Any tips?! Any pointers!? I am normal right!? I was wondering how SOON after ejaculation the penis is supposed stay soft... and HOW SOON can it be arousd again!! Ladies and Gentlemen... please both write seriously on your experience, and advice! Thanks...




Testosterone levels vary from male to male. Everyone is different. But the average time is about 30 minutes for the penis to be able to become erect again. Young men in their teens and early twenty's have higher levels and are able to become erect quicker than older men. Young men also tend to have problems with premature ejaculation. Spend more time with foreplay and touching before actually having intercourse. Women tend to need a little more foreplay before they can become aroused enough to achieve orgasm.

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