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I met this one girl at school and we really seemed to hit it off. We sit together between classes and talk and we're comfortable enough to joke with each other. However, sometimes I feel like she is pretty much blowing me off. One moment she is inviting me to hang out with her and the next she is just walking by and just giving me a smile and a wave. I wasn't really looking for anything romantic with her and I don't hit on her because I got the sense that she didn't like that. It's probably my fault and I need to change my attitude toward her. Pretty soon I won't be seeing her at school so it will be interesting to see if we continue to talk like we do now.

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Dude, a smile and a wave isn't blowing you off. Ignoring you is blowing you off. Are you in high school? Give her your number in your yearbook. If you're in college with her, give her your number anyway. Just say keep in touch and leave the ball in her court. If she's given you her number (or gives it to you when you give her yours), wait awhile after school gets out and give her a call.

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I'm in college. Last night I found myself trying to call her because she was out drinking and I just wanted to make sure she was okay. She has a lot of male friends and unlike me most of them just want to one thing. I honestly care about her so I just want her to be ok. I know she is old enough to take care of herself, but still she isn't that big and like all my other friends I worry about something happening to her. If she was hurt in anyway I would probably go crazy. I was pissed when I heard about her being attacked before at a bar. She didn't answer my call, but I'll try again tomorrow. I've beem sending text messages but I think I am going to move beyone on that now and just call her.



It's strang that she is several yrs older than me but I feel like the more mature one. So it's about 3 in morning. Back to sleep for me. I hope she's alright. I know I can't babysit her but if anything happens to her people will be hunted.

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