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Mixed signals?

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Hey guys,


Recently, I've gained something of a FWB, this cool laid back girl, who's actually pretty fun. We hit it off near instantly, did our thing, and it's been fun. Just lately though she's been really pulled back, reserved if you will, when we first started hanging out, it seemed she really liked hanging out with me. Now I hear from mutual friends that she does in fact like me, she's just worried about my ex (she also just dumped a guy btw) I don't know why this worry just came out, but maybe I started acting stranger around this girl once I started liking her? I don't know what happened to be honest, she gets upset when I don't hang out, but doesn't make any effort to get me out anymore. Meanwhile, her roommate, who's sort of a mutual friend, is acting like the worlds biggest third wheel.


I dunno, I want to approach her and have the fun we were having a bit ago, maybe I need to take her aside somewhere? Perhaps she lost the fun in it, got over her ex? I dunno, I'm trying to pin down the moment to be honest, can't really.


Any ideas? If I like this girl, pursue it? Go back to being laid back and "not caring"? Avoid games, etc, etc?

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