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How do you tell your wife that your in love with another woman and I want a divorce or should I ingore my fillings and stay (help)




There is no set answer to this question. It all depends on your situation. Are you also in love with your wife? It's possible to be in love with more than one person. And because your love for the other woman is newer, you may think that it's more exciting. Think about the feelings you have for each one of them. If you're not happy with your marriage, both you and your wife already know it. And these things should be talked about. And you need to listen to one another without lashing out at each other. Don't base your decisions on anger, base them on the feelings you have.

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Larry: Unless you're from another planet, you can "fall" in love dozens of times a day. I can go to the mall and sit and fall in love all day long. (Actually, it's more like sexual attraction) Now, if you think the fireworks are going to last forever, you don't know what love is. When the newness wears off, you start discovering other very special things about your mate. That's why you made a committment to her. If you get divorced to marry every girl you fall in love with, I hope you win the lottery because you will need MILLIONS to pay alimony to all your ex-wives. It takes a very mature, kind, loving, forgiving, open-minded, flexible, generous person (with many more qualities) to have a successful marriage. My guess is that the woman you think you're in love with gets your testosterone going but lacks the other stuff. Any woman who persues a married man should be immediately suspect. If she was principled, she would give you her phone number and ask you to call when you are free. On the other hand, if you don't think you can take your eyes off other women and keep from "falling" in love with them, do your wife a BIG favor and let her go so she can find a partner that will be loyal to her and appreciate her.

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