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I heard from Denver guy

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AThe ex is bitter. He supported her for two years, bought her thousands of dollars in dolls, and instead of being grateful she puts his name on the mud.


I'm sure HE is the one who told you this little tidbit. How do you know it's true? Did you see receipts? Doubt it.

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Hey guys,


I was at work.


Why hasn't he contacted you then ??? W is gone...


I don't know Art. I don't know. :(

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OMG! I can't stop laughing...sorry, A. Did anyone check out the part of his site showing his house? He's so pretentious.


Look at all my antiques. Most of my furniture is from the 16th century and one of a kind. I tend to like the darker, heavier woods... .



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He clearly wants all of that on there for the world to see, thats what he wants us to see. Unfortunately, not all of us see him in the glowing light that he sees himself.


ok, saw the photos of home and him, and him, and him! LOOK AT ME, I AM BEAUTIFUL, YES? Just sad!


And for the people that made coments of this nature.


There is a reason why Denver guy posts all those photos in his site.


He wasn't always pretty. Earlier in life he had it tough with many different situations, and posting pictures has been a way for him to deal with all of that.


Here is a post of his in the forums talking about his past:




School didn't afford any opportunity for developing a sense of "belongingness" either--I was a couple of years younger than my classmates, so being the "short, fat, brainy kid with glasses and a funny name" wasn't exactly conducive to acceptance from one's peers. (Not that I was equipped to deal with other children at that age anyway, since my mother had been prepping me for school by telling me that I was such a terrible person that they'd probably have to send me home in a box and by quite thoroughly indoctrinating me with the belief that making any attempt to defend myself from anyone was so immoral as to be unthinkable, something that worked so well that it became a frequent ritual for some of the kids to get together and demonstrate that they could simply stab me repeatedly for as long as they liked (typically with pencils, drafting tools, and the like) and I wouldn't flinch or show any reaction whatsoever to indicate that I even noticed except for bleeding.) Up until midway through high school (which was about when I slowly started thinking of myself as a person), I certainly didn't belong--indeed, it probably seemed to the rest of the world like I'd been raised by wolves

or something.

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Her blog isn't as sincere as she tries to sound on LS- she is much more mocking on the blog than she is to Ariadne on this thread. That also makes me suspicious.


And today she has posted a link on her blog space to LS so that everyone gets to read all the lurid details. Totally agree.


It does matter IMO. I really question how much the exes are really trying to help Ariadne. I really do.


I think it's an act. How much could she really want to help A? She won't take the pictures down. That's really low of you Wendy. You want to take her out to lunch and stay in the guest bedroom though right?


She also has quite a different tone on her blog than the one on here, so part of me wonders if she isn't actually enjoying the fact that she has exposed (pardon the pun) Ariadne a little bit more.


Well, I'll let you guys draw your own conclusions with that.


(But I'm glad to read this from you.)

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The question is, does it matter why the exes are trying to help Ariadne? This obsession is bad news. I doubt anyone can dispute it...well...beyond Ariadne that is...


I don't need help from her or anybody TBF.


I can see things and draw my own conclusions.


But it was nice to know of some facts.

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there is a difference between self-pride, self-esteem, oh and HUMILITY VS gloating, self-adoration. I would believe the majority of us have stories to tell of not belonging.

so, is what you're saying is that his self-esteem is poor and he needs this attention to feel powerful?


THEN....where do you see YOU fitting in to this?

Do you believe he has desire to love you, to attend to YOU, as you have with him?

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How would you feel if your son stumbled upon those pictures? If he found out about the stalking?


Honey, is it worth destroying your son for these (clearing my throat) people?


My son had seen the pictures the first day they came up, with my full legal name.


She made the title for the page: "Name Lastname Porn"


He told me to sue her as.


He was a bit embarrassed for me (and him).


He reminded me of that song: "Naked Pictures of Your Mother" and that that would be him.

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If he found out about the stalking?




Are you kidding?


I went to Denver in my car, and on the back seat I made some sort of bed with a mattress.


I dropped my son in Las Vegas on the way there in his father's house, and for the whole trip to Vegas he was cracking jokes.


When you see Denver guy tell him: Come to my luv mobile!


And that W. was going to say: Ariadne is in Denver??? And she has a lovemobile???


And that next day she was going to do a web page with a huge RV picture and say: Look at the RV Denver guy got me! And it looks just like a luvmobile!!!


And then, looking with the binoculars: Look at those honey bees!!!


He made me crack up all the way there.

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I know there is no getting through to you A, so I will just give you a hug, and tell you to remember to take care of yourself for your sons sake if not your own. LS will be here for you when this fantasy unravels. {hug}


Thanks so much melody. :)

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he even has wallpaper desktop pictures of himself.. Who does that kind of crap...


Just for the heck of this thread, I went an set my wallpaper to one of his pictures.


Sigh :love:


I don't know if that's any good or bad, because I see it and he becomes more God.

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Wendy HAS given A some excellent insight into the reality that is DenverGuy, as have some of the other exes. Ariadne is oblivious to anyone elses thoughts but her own though.

That is the crux of the whole sorry mess really.


No, she has not given any insight into the reality of anything.


W. needs to grow up.


But for now, that's just the way it is.

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No, she has not given any insight into the reality of anything.


W needs to grow up.


But for now, that's just the way it is.


Why does she need to grow up ?... What has she done that would lead you to believe she isn't being real with you ?

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Why does she need to grow up ?...


Because she doesn't have any understanding of anything, and is just a brat.

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Because she doesn't have any understanding of anything, and is just a brat.


She seems to understand DG pretty well..

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No, you are wrong there.


They live in two different worlds and she can't grasp Denver guy.


Actually they live in the same house.. :)...


I think she knows enough to know she doesn't want him anymore.. She opened her eyes and from what she has posted here she also had her eyes opened from the way he has treated you..


He is playing a game with you and it upset her because she felt he wouldn't stoop that low...

She posted that she is very angry at him for doing this to you..


They may live in two different worlds.. that much is true but what you fail to realize is that nobody lives in his world but himself..

Not even you will ever live in his world.. his world is only big enough for himself.

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Ariadne.. When was the last time you went on a date with a guy ? just to go out and have fun..


You posted a while back ago about a FWB .. Do you still see him ?

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there is a difference between self-pride, self-esteem, oh and HUMILITY VS gloating, self-adoration. I would believe the majority of us have stories to tell of not belonging.

so, is what you're saying is that his self-esteem is poor and he needs this attention to feel powerful?


THEN....where do you see YOU fitting in to this?

Do you believe he has desire to love you, to attend to YOU, as you have with him?


He is not gloating anywhere, he just posted pics of himself.


And me, well, who knows really.


I was happy that he started writing but I haven't heard from him again.

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Ariadne.. When was the last time you went on a date with a guy ? just to go out and have fun..


You posted a while back ago about a FWB .. Do you still see him ?


I haven't dated in ages.


That fwb I saw him the last time in March 07 I believe.


That's it. I really don't care Art, I'm happy like this.

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It is quite obvious that you are NOT seeking any type of advice. I do not believe you are actually hearing what people here have said. Your energies seem to aim at denying any truth LSers have listed. You are very quick to defend DG, and most likely feel it to be honorable. I am uncertain of what if anything you hope to achieve by your posts, you have undeniably opposed most views here. So, may I ask, what is your purpose?


I urge you A., to consider your son in all this. Go back and read the post you wrote of the two of you joking of how you were going to stalk another woman's man. Plus the lovemobile?


I am not saying you are a bad person, I am saying, believe it or not...your son is at an impressionable age, looking for guidance....observing.

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Go back and read the post you wrote of the two of you joking of how you were going to stalk another woman's man. Plus the lovemobile?


I am not saying you are a bad person, I am saying, believe it or not...your son is at an impressionable age, looking for guidance....observing.


No, my son was thinking that the whole thing was bat crazy.


And he was just having a laugh.


He supports me in anything I do.

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she knows enough to know she doesn't want him anymore.. She opened her eyes...


Are you kidding me? After 15 years?

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This guy has a mansion-like home, antiques, money...what does the average woman have to offer? What is it about YOU that leads you to believe there can be a sustaining relationship?

Because he may have shared some attention?


Affluent people tend to keep in their circle, so, why you? I am just going by the fact that you slept in your car VS motel, so I am led to believe you are not loaded with cash.

Does any of this make sense to you?

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