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Should I? Or should I not?

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I have a friend that I like a lot. I'm on the fence about liking her as more than a friend or not. I liked her as more than a friend once, but that just got out of hand, so I don't know if I should like her again. I now know when too much love is too much, but I don't want to go through that again. So I won her a set of earrings at an event recently, and I don't know if I should give them to her. I want to, but could she interpret this as love (I don't want this to occur)? She's a great person and everything, but I don't know if I can give them to her. We're really good friends and I don't want to ruin it. So should I like her not? Should I give her the earrings? I won't see her for another month, but we do plan to hang out in that time period. So what should I do?

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um, do you plan on keeping the earrings for yourself or staring at them for an eternity as a sign of your lack of action?


you obviously like her. give them to her. it doesn't mean you love her so much you wanna have her kids and be buried next to her 80 years from now. it just means you like her and want a chance... you can tell her you saw them and thought of her, that's all. if she's not creeped out by you and does like you in some way, she'll probably graciously accept them. just don't make too much of it.

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Midas is right on the money. You obviously like her. Give her the earrings. Don't say anything frilly, just say, "Hey, I won these. I think they'd look better on you than on me." and smile.

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"Hey, I won these. I think they'd look better on you than on me."


Man... that's like something you'd learn from Seduction 101. I'm taking notes! =D

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Glad you like it, Suiyobi. I speak only to my personal preference here, but I love little jokes and humor, especially early on. Low pressure, plus I get to laugh. Works magic for making people comfortable with you.

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I agree with what people have said above. You could give them to her (keeping them is useless), but don't make a big deal about it (even if she does), use humor, and do not mention it again (she may do it, but you don't bring it up in conversations).


If she wears it the next time you meet, compliment her once, but again, don't make a big deal about it.


Good Luck

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I am a little confused, you said you won them for her. I seems the only reason you tried to win them was for her and her alone. So just give them to her.

See how things go and good luck.


BTW that was an excellent line about they look better on you than they would on me.

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I got the earrings because all the other prizes didn't interest me. They didn't make me think of her, but I thought she would like them. That's what it was. But yeah, I still think I might like her though.

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It doesn't matter. She won't think you're in love with her. You got her a little something as a gift; it doesn't matter why. It's still a nice gesture. Don't worry so much!

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Just give them to her. Tell her you can't wear earrings anyways... be casual and she might be shy as first but i'm sure she'll accept them.

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