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why is it like this?

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screwed over

i dont understand why girls arent ever attracted to me. ive been told im a very attractive, sensitive, friendly guy, and a lot of my female friends have said they would fall for me in an instant were they not on the level they are with me. im not into one nite stands and stuf like that, but want a long term relationship with real value. im not moody or a criminal, im just a decent guy, and it seems because of that no girl will give me a hint of a chance. am i right on this, or am i not considering something?

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i dont understand why girls arent ever attracted to me. ive been told im a very attractive, sensitive, friendly guy, and a lot of my female friends have said they would fall for me in an instant were they not on the level they are with me. im not into one nite stands and stuf like that, but want a long term relationship with real value. im not moody or a criminal, im just a decent guy, and it seems because of that no girl will give me a hint of a chance. am i right on this, or am i not considering something?




First of all, you can't go out with women with the idea that you want a long term relationship with them. That part comes naturally when you fall in love with someone. Have you tried asking any of these women who say they find you attractive, out for a date? What you need to do is just have fun dating. Go out with as many people as you want and have a good time. And make sure to be yourself with them.

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You may be trying too hard to just be their friend. You may be too nice. Women want a challenge. If you are trying to be their best friend, women don't want a date with someone who has become their platonic friend. When you meet a lady you are attracted to, ASK HER OUT ON A DATE...and give her a big kiss at the end. None of this buddy, friendship crap. You also may be much too nice. Ladies like nice guys but if you give too much too soon, you'll turn them off every time. Be unpredictable. Be a little cool and aloof at first. No woman wants a man that always answers the phone, always is available to see her, always there. Try to understand this. No matter what they say, the fire of romance is built on mystery, challenge, and strength. If you don't learn now, you'll have to learn some day.

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Too nice is definately a problem. I am a girl. I know what we want. I hate it when a guy is overly nice to me. I love it when a guy just straight out is a "bad boy". Don't be nice to get the girl. Get the girl with mystery.

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