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I'm 20, she's 25

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So I met this girl recently when I went to the bank. She told me i smelled good and that I could come to her whenever I wanted as long as i smelled that good. hahaha It made me laugh and I can tell flirting when I see it.


I made her laugh and told her we should hang out some time. We kinda laughed about this and stuff and I said something that made her say "ok we need to hang out because you are just the funniest person I've ever met" so I put a piece of paper in front of her and was like "write your number down, lets hang out" she did and there was hardcore flirting going on.


I text her and stuff and I find out she's 25. I asked if she cared I was 20 and she simply said "no it doesn't bother me at all, should it? does it bother you?" I told her not at all. We hung out and she's awesome. I'm not looking for anything right now and from what I can tell I don't think she is either.


My question is doe's stuff like this work? hahah I mean girls if a guy has a mature enough personality do you dig that? It seems like she's way into me. she called me after she got off work today. I mean that was pretty cool.

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Of course it can work.


But remember, neither one of you is really looking for anything right now. If you find yourself changing your mind, you need to be careful or you might wind up getting hurt.


She might be into you, but she might just think you're a really funny guy. Why don't you ask her?

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Of course it can work.


But remember, neither one of you is really looking for anything right now. If you find yourself changing your mind, you need to be careful or you might wind up getting hurt.


She might be into you, but she might just think you're a really funny guy. Why don't you ask her?



Oh we've only knows each other like a week. hahaha I don't think I'll pull out that card just yet. I took her to lunch today and we had a ton of fun. We got some gross food and we laughing that it poisoned. She gave me a huge hug when I dropped her off. We were texting and stuff and she was like "the food wasn't the best I think it was poisoned, but the company was great"


So I'm not a pushy guy or anything like that, I enjoy getting to know people. We both love dogs and stuff and it seems like it could be a fun friendship.

I have this weird thing about me, I do not attract any women my age or younger then me. Every girl i've dated has been like a year or two years older then me. Thats why when It was 5 years I was kinda blown away.

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like a fine wine


it gets better with age




Enjoy it, you and her seem to be having a great time together, and if she enjoys your company then I don't see why you shouldn't be enjoying hers.


Don't let the age bother you, its just a number anyways.

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I think older women often enjoy the carefree nature of younger men. 5 years difference is nothing... I met my ex husband when I was almost 25 and he was 19. Hell, I am 38 now and I went out with a 22 year old for a few months (he was dumb- but hot and fun).... but regularly date around the 27ish age range.


If you're 20, mature and smart...there is no reason this girl wouldn't be interested in you. Go with it and have fun.

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your looking at this from the wrong angle. You should be asking yourself if you want to date a 25 year old not if she is willing to date you. It was a bad move to even ask her if it was a problem. If you want to experience dating girls your age and under just do that flirt thing you do with a 19 year old. Your man for darn sakes, its a womans excuse to talk about the type of people they attract.

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your looking at this from the wrong angle. You should be asking yourself if you want to date a 25 year old not if she is willing to date you. It was a bad move to even ask her if it was a problem. If you want to experience dating girls your age and under just do that flirt thing you do with a 19 year old. Your man for darn sakes, its a womans excuse to talk about the type of people they attract.



hahaha, No I don't need experience dating. I've dated a ton of girls younger ones too, I just have a more mature personality so I get annoyed with them easier. I'm not trying to say I'm like way mature or anything like that, I hang out with people a lot older with me and I think its just the way I am. she's way cool though for sure

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SO I took her lunch down to her today. We were sitting on the grass just outside her work. I can't believe how much I have in common with this girl. It's just so nice to talk to someone new and fun.


Anyway so I'm walking her back to her work and she just grabs my arm and slowly moves down to my hand and grabs my hand. It was awesome I just played it cool you know went with it. I guess that pretty much answers my question about if age was a big deal or not lol



She Is SOOOOO Fine too. I agree with you my friend its like a fine wine. Things get better with age

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Hey so I have an update for everyone.


So I've known this girl a week and we've already kissed. We talk a lot and she's way cool, we basically have told each other everything. I enjoy her company and she's always grabbing my hand and moving in close. She told me last night about how her brother says she talks about me a lot.


Now I have a question for some ladies that are older. Do you find it sexy when a young man has a plan for life and is very driven to get it done?


I'll lay it out for you and you can tell me if this is sexy haha.


I'm a full time student and I love music. I was in a band for a long time and really thought it was going to go some where, but alas didn't. I'm still very passionate about music and I just tell her how much I love it still but in my mind I know I need to go to school to accomplish what I want to do now. For some reason that leads me to believe that she might think that's sexy. I don't know though.


Anyway I won't gab for days. Yeah just wondering if this is just how older women are, I mean they've been there done that, you know what I mean? She's moving kind of fast. I'm just chilling with it though.

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