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Reverse Transition: Dating --> Friends

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Can (Should) You Stay Friends with Your Ex? Sure it's technically possible, but...


When I date people, I usually don't remain friends with them once things have fizzled out. In recent years, there have been oh, maybe a few that I have remained friendly with, but I don't really hang out with them anymore. In fact, I have one, count 'em one, ex-boyfriend that I am still friends with, and it may be because we were friends before we started dating--and even him I haven't seen in awhile lately. So other than that, it doesn't really happen.



(cue the drums)




...I'm fine with!


Relationships end for a reason.


Usually, when relationships end, they need to stay there buried in the ground for all sorts of, uh, merry reasons. For instance, there is no way in HELL that I was going to be friends with my LAST boyfriend, even though he asked for that of me. The truth is, if I were to see him on the street today, there is still a strong possibility that I would spit in his face and push him in front of a passing taxi.


Ahem. So anyway, long story short, this past weekend I decided to break up with the guy that I've only been dating for the past 2 months. Luckily for us, it is perfectly friendly, no animosity there, we never got serious, it just wasn't working and I decided that it'd be better for us to be friends right now. (Yeah, yeah, yeah, cliche, whateves :p) But I knew what I was doing when I said that; I still like him as a person, we always had fun going out, and our respective circles of friends overlap. To me, this means that are we're bound to hang out sometime, and I don't want it to be awkward, I want it to be fun!


Here's the pricker though...While I was intending for us to be friends in the "let's all have fun as a group without any weirdness" way, he's just written me an email that asks me if he could call me so we could be "friends that still go out one on one" way, you know, the same activities, dinner, drinks, laughing and have fun, but without the kissyface afterwards. Now, this isn't to say that I'm not friends with my best male friend Patrick that way, but I've known him for half of my actual life, and we had to grow to that point (being adolescents and all when we first met, oh, well, you just draw your own conclusions).


Could you really just pick up with your ex and do all the same things you used to do--go out to eat, talk, stop by the video store, debate about which movie to get, get back home and spread out on the couch...but just axe the making out part? He asked me if that would be weird, and I have to say...that seems really awkward to me!

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