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Has anyone had this happen, never gave up?

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Just wondering but has anyone ever been through Unrequited love, where you never give up no matter how much people say it will never happen between the two of you, and than one day it does finally happen.

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My friend (who is a girl) had a man propose to her like 10 or 13 years ago, and she declined. They kept on and off in touch... She was praying for a long time for his protection and I think also to get married with the right person because only God knows who's truly right, and who will make you happy and be good for you. And what do you know, 10-13 years later, he proposed again, and she accepted. I don't know if that's unrequited love, but it may be. She knows for certain.... I don't want to probe. She would wake up in the middle of the night a few days of the week, in order to pray & ask God for her right spouse & guidance I believe, and she was very patient. Patience and faith/prayer really do pay off...


Another story, another friend of mine. Families were sort of different backgrounds, his family had set him up with another girl, my friend was devastated, she kept praying a lot to God to help her out & to make things right & make things work out. This was continuing for several years. The engagement with the other girl didn't work out & she was so happy, and now their families are finally agreeing to meet. He told her he sees her as his future wife & there is a lot of positivity thus far.


These are just personal stories I know of, but I really do believe patience & prayer pay off, even in unrequited love. Just have absolute faith in God first, and the rest follows... my friend said she wouldn't have preferred it to happen earlier, b/c she needed time to develop as a person, and so did he. So God best knows the best time for you.


Hopefully this is not a case where the girl you are interested in, is already married. That would not be good, in my opinion. Hopefully both of you are still available. But just make prayer & be patient... God knows best & I don't.... take care

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Well that definitely helps, but this is the thing. She is my world my life, but she is married, but this is the problem. She is in a abusive relationship and has only been with this man her entire life so this is all she knows. No matter how much I try to make her realize she deservers more she just does not understand. I mean I love her more than anyone I have ever loved including my family. Everyone tells me to give it up because she just will never understand what love really is.

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Personally? No, I haven't seen it. Do I think it could happen? Maybe... but not if it's actually unrequited love. I think two people can overcome certain circumstances to be together, but if one person isn't interested, it seems unlikely that time would change their intended's mind.


I guess my best advice is the advice I'd give to anyone else who was in love with someone who was unavailable. Work on you. You don't have to date other people. You don't have to go off and get married, or have wild nights, or any of that. Just work on being the kind of person you think your intended would want to be with. (Or anyone would want to be with.)


Have hobbies and interests that you actively pursue. Have a social circle in which you are involved. Think of the things that you find attractive in others. Do your best to cultivate those traits.



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Just wondering but has anyone ever been through Unrequited love, where you never give up no matter how much people say it will never happen between the two of you, and than one day it does finally happen.


Nope. Do I think that it can happen? Yeah, but it's a very long shot.

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