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The Ex And I

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My ex and I have known each other for 3 years, but we were never friends. A year and half ago we started a relationship and it ended a year and a half later (we broke up in May). She broke up with me saying it was too stressful for her and that she had a lot of stuff happening in her life with school, work, and family. That I was distracting her. I know she didn't leave me for another man, and that she loves me with all her heart. She would always tell me how she wished we would of become friends first before we started dating. We recently got together and we still love each other dearly (month and a half later). She says that our base of a relationship(friendship) is made of cardboard and our love for each other is made of bricks. And that we need to focus more on the friendship to hold the whole structure of our life. She says she wants to do it the right way and become friends first before we enter into the relationship. She says that she would only be kissing me (sorta like a friends with benefits).


My question: If two people love each other could this ever work? I believe that a strong friendship is needed, but how strong should it be? Am I just a fool?

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