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The hell.

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So I hooked up with this girl a while back while I was getting over my ex. I didn't mean to get a rebound, in fact, she was getting over an ex as well. We hooked up randomly, I visited her house through a mutual friend, and one night we hit it off, and we did so consecutively for a while.


Finals came up, and she backed off, later, she started accusing me of being akward, but like, in a fun way. She started hanging out with her neighbors more, also friends of mine, and seems less interested in me, jokingly saying that I missed my chance.


But now I'm confused as hell. At one point, she was all over me, calling me, introducing me to friends and loving on me in public, now, she's being flirtatious in front of me, and not calling me up to any extent. I mean, she's the one who put the cold on me, but I didn't know I'd end up liking this girl, I tried to tell her this tonight, that I do want to date her, but I feel, well, like I missed a window. Now I can't get her alone for a minute because she's become friends with most the people I hang out with. It sucks!


I don't want to lose a chick because of me missing some sort of chance, I'm confused, going to bed alone tonight, and really like this girl, who at one point, seemed really interested in me, both mentally and physically. Are we talking mind games, or missed oppurtunity right in my face?

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It is no good for you to try and find the reasons why she changed her mind. But track her mind again in you!!!!...

people are easy to change their minds, I believe.

if she liked you once, she can like you twice and more times.

maybe you just have to show her more interest.

call her, ask her out, I mean.... what is there to lose?:p

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I just really had to ask you a few questions, selfish of me really. But for my own reasons. Do you miss your ex even though you are in a rebound relationship. Do you think of her at all. Do you think about your ex when you are with the new girl. Did it help you get over your ex?

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Course I miss the ex, she was a great girl and a fantastic friend. But there's a difference between missing the ex and pining for her. I know my ex isn't coming back, and I know I need to move on. In this situation, I'm hanging out with a chick who is pretty rad, and yeah, I thought about the ex alot when we first hooked up. I realized this too, is a person, that's part of the process of getting over the ex, is realizing there are other people, whether it be friends, family, or new lovers. I hate how I haven't heard from my ex in a while, but do I want to let that ruin the potential for something new? Hell no.


I'm not using this girl to get over the last, I'm hanging out with her because she's cool in her own aspects, I wouldn't be calling her up and hanging out with her if I thought of her as a one night stand.


The ex situation has become more of a "well that sucks" situation, then a "Oh my god I'm dying" situation. Somedays are honestly worse than others, like the anniversary as of recent, but apart of getting over something is realizing you can't let it run your life.


I've talked about it with this girl too, I honestly said the ex was my first, and just about everything else. She too has an ex, her first, that she misses and sees as a great friend.

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Are we talking mind games, or missed oppurtunity right in my face?

Well...being who/what I am, I would approach it this way: Do whatever you have to, to get some 'alone time' with her. Then say, "Hey, quit dicking around with me. This is YOUR one chance to not miss an opportunity with ME! If you tell me, right now, that you are not interested, I will never show another iota of interest in you. I promise and swear."


Then take it from there. And if she at all shows like she's NOT interested, keep your promise and do not even look the next time she is is acting all flirtatious in front of you.


(Sometimes men are just too freakin' sucky...and women just don't like that so much. Well, okay...I admit we *like* it fine, but we just don't see those guys as serious dating material ~ more good to have fun with as friends and such.)

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Yeah, I just hate akward moments, and I don't know the exact moment I went from fwb, to 'oh hey it's you'.


... Dude, sh*t sucks.

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Tried to get her alone, or at least into her bed like I usually did, no dice. Called her today, no reply, which is lame.


Honestly the only change in my attitude has been a reflection of hers, I'm damn confused, and wouldn't at least mind going back to the casual sex. I'm trying to figure out what happened to the fun we had a bit ago, perhaps one night was just what it took to go downhill? She's hanging out with the third-wheel roommate alot now that school is out... I don't want to dive into SERIOUS relationship, but the fun one we had was better than nothing.


We joked at first about being rebound, maybe I turned out to be one.



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:eek: Er...I need to rescind my earlier reply :eek:. My mistake...I totally didn't get the picture.


I suspect that her needs and wants about having a, er, "relationship" with you changed. Now, it appears, she's just not that into you. I'm sure she has her reasons.


Sorry to be the bearer of bad news :lmao:

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