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she randomly likes me now?

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so ive been working at my job almost a year, and theres this girl at work. and ive never really started talking to her until the past few weeks. yesterday she says to me, "i want to bring you home to my parents and say "this is Russian2'" i was kind of confused because it was so random. then about an hour later she walks by and gives me a hug *shes never hugged me before* and says, " your so cute i want to take you to prom. so i said, "but wasnt your prom like 2 months ago lol". so later on myspace i add her to my friends list and i say Hey!, whats up?. and she messages me back, "russian my love, how are you dear?!?!. She never really seemed interested in talking to me other than extremely small talk on what goes where and when.. whats with this random change?

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"russian my love, how are you dear?!?!"


Lol, I don't know if I should look at this as cute or creepy?


But hey, take this opportunity to get to know her better. The girl seems like she's interested in you. Just be slightly on the cautionary side, though, because there could be some sort of "catch". Like you said, it's rather strange that this "random change" has taken place all of a sudden.

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tonight she kept bumping her hips into me when we were talking in a group at work and playing with the phone chord while we talked again

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You can look at it three different ways:


1) It's all a set up; an elaborate plan to somehow humiliate you/make fun of you/etc.


2) She really does like you. In which case flirt back, take her to a [insert favorite social even here], and kiss her/ask her if she wants to come back to your place/etc.


3) She's bat**** crazy and the walls between her fantasy world and the real world came crashing down. Either 1)run away as fast as your legs will take you, or 2)suit up and dive in, or 3)get ready to file a restraining order. Mix and match as you'd like. Personally, I'd go with #2, then #1, and leave #3 last.







And yes I'm kidding- to an extent. What went on during the weekend?

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im guessing shes trying to get a sexy time in before she goes off to college 3 hours away in a few weeks? :p

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