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Expressing anger?

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So, I have an anger problem. Namely, I am very bad at expressing it.


So I still have a crush on my friend and am still not entirely sure where we stand (today he spontaneously took me to a place that was "really special to him" and it was a century-old orchard in this park. We just sat in a tree together. But it was nice.


Anyway, he actually kind of pissed me off today and I didn't really say anything. I'm not exactly sure how to. He criticized my driving, so after we stopped, I just moved over to the passenger seat. He tried to crack a joke about it, but I wasn't amused and said, "I don't appreciate the editorial comments."


Anyway, my frustrations have been getting the better of me and he's seemed to notice. He keeps asking me what's on my mind, lately has been asking "What's wrong?" and also is still asking me if I find him attractive.


I finally told him that I thought he was pretty hot, but I still haven't addressed the "What's on your mind?" and "Why are you so uppity lately?"


What am I supposed to say? "Well, see, I have a crush on you and am not at all sure where you stand, so that makes me kind of on edge. Sorry."


Heh heh. I really am not a fan of the whole vulnerability thing, but there yo go.

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Anyway, my frustrations have been getting the better of me and he's seemed to notice.

What you're feeling is sexual tension. You had better get busy with him as a matter of some urgency. It's very, very rare for a clitoris to explode, but that doesn't mean it can't happen to you. Take a leaf out of tanbark's Guide to Seducing the Opposite Sex (Female Hetero Edition), and touch his penis.

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Ha ha. I don't know how he'd take to that... he's more of the born-again-wait-until-marriage-or-engagement type. Which is fine with me. But, still. Grr.

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