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Parents who ruin your life.

Pissed off.

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I am 23 years old and have been going out with my partener for over two years. the whole time his father has hated me. We went ot their hometown on the w'end for a friends wedding and the whole w'end turned to #####. His dad is trying to ruin our relationship jusst because he doesn't like me. I hate goign to visit them, and feel uncomfortable whenever his dad is around. I ended up in tears for most of the w'end because of him. I hate putting my boyfriend in a position where he has to choose. What can I do?

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Assuming that your boyfriend is of legal adult age, this problem really doesn't have much to do with you. The relationship between your boyfriend and his father is what is in question here. You can't jump through hoops just to please his dad. That's not to say you should be spiteful, but at this point I think it best for you to try to remain separate from this. Your BOYFRIEND needs to step up and have some serious discussion with his father about respecting boundaries and decisions as an adult, not just his son. Assuming you are not leading your boyfriend to some unhealthy directions in live, this burden is not yours to carry at all.

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