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not getting to see him

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Today my family decided to have a cook out and Im crying.I saw that my bf called on the caller ID.And I asked my mother if she could go pick him up for me so that he could come to the cook out.She says "no" Im not getting him,I will only get him when ever I feel like it.And I said "Well I didnt get to see him last week,Why not go pick him up?" And I couldnt talk her into it.I hardly ever get to see my bf and beginning to feel sad.I just wish we could get together and do more things but I cant cause only when my mother feels like it.I dont even get to see him on my birthday.Im not even going to the cook out now cause hes not invited so whats the use? I thought it would be a perfect oppurtunity to get together but I guess not.Im sick of being stopped from seeing him.Its not fair.



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Is there some other way he can get to your place? Is there some other person who can bring him and come back to get him later? Are there buses or public transportation he can use?


You mother seems a bit mean sometimes. Maybe you could have made a deal with her to do some special chore around the house that she doesn't like doing in return for her going to pick up your boyfriend.


If man was able to get to the moon and back safely three times more than 33 years ago, I think somehow your boyfriend ought to be able to get to your house for a cook-out or other visit with you.

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Hi Tony.Well my sister is visiting us before she moves to Florida and I think my sister could of went to pick him up for me. And seeing how upset I was she didnt offer.And there is a 24 hour taxi service but he wouldnt have money for it.And his father never brings him either to come see me so its kind of hard.


Tony,I help my mother with her laundry most of the time.So I dont think Im asking for much.Tony,even when I make deal with my mother she still wont care,like she always says "It has nothing to do with what you do for me,I do things when I can.She used the excuse saying "Theres not enough food" Yea right,"We always have plenty of food here to feed an army.Its just an excuse shes using.Oh plus she did her grocery shopping today so I dont believe it for one second that theres not enough food.Yea right! Exuses! Excuses!


Tony if it something my sister wanted, shes like" oh I can do that for you,but for me its like "I cant do that cause of such and such and uses an excuse.





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Did you ask your mom in advance if she'd go pick him up, or did you spring it on her at the last minute? Most people like some warning when they are trying to plan a cookout and cook all the food in order to schedule things properly. It may have been inconvenient for her.


How far away does your boyfriend live?


I think my sister could of went to pick him up for me. And seeing how upset I was she didnt offer.


Why didn't you ask her?

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I didnt really ask in advance,I told her when i saw his name on caller ID.


My bf lives about 4 miles from here.


I didnt ask my sister cause I knew my mother would probably tell her not to waste her time.



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4 miles isn't far at all. A taxi ride would probably cost him 5 bucks, tops.


Or you could buy him some running shoes so he could walk over! :bunny:

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Or how about bicycles Patty? Either of you could ride four miles on a bike easily. It would take you less than an hour, no matter how slowly you rode. It's also good exercise.

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Bicycles sound like a good idea.I didnt even think of that.I use to be able to ride one but one time when I went down a hill on it, it scared me cause I thought I would fall off.Yes maybe I can see if theres some bicycles in the cellar,I think we got some.



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