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No, it's not a high-fiber breakfast food; it's a relatively inoffensive way of saying, well, something else.


Basically, The Dude and I have been having a rough time. In addition to the tiffs, he's been kind of cold towards me lately. Since Monday he's only called me to ask me to let him into the garage at work (I have one of about 8 remotes). I called him yesterday after work to see if he wanted to grab coffee that evening, but he said he had to work on his car.


My favorite guy guru (actually my dad) suggests doing my best to make every second he spends with me pleasant for him, and I'm definitely going to try that. Thoughts?


Basically, I don't think I should just cut my losses on this one. We do have a little bit of history and I thought we had a pretty good foundation (just general compatibility and chemistry as two human beings), but lately it seems like something's misfiring. He's a great guy overall. When it's just us, everything is fine. He generally makes me happy to be me, he brings out the silly/playful/carefree part of myself that I all but lost in high school, we have similar goals in life and similar interests, I love learning more about him, and I also enjoy just sitting with him not talking. I guess what I mean is that when I'm not sweating it, I'm more comfortable around him than I am around most people. So, yeah. No walking away (especially cuz I need to see him every day) and no causing implosion. :laugh:


I don't know if the whole "Am I attractive?" thing was him just being curious (he's asked me a LOT, and this time asked for a rating on a scale of one to ten LOL) or if I was supposed to say, "Yeah, you're gorgeous, take me now!" (Was I? Oops.)


What in the heck does this guy want from me?

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My favorite guy guru (actually my dad) suggests doing my best to make every second he spends with me pleasant for him, and I'm definitely going to try that. Thoughts?

Pleasant? Sure, but I'd up the ante with some flirting.

I don't know if the whole "Am I attractive?" thing was him just being curious (he's asked me a LOT, and this time asked for a rating on a scale of one to ten LOL) or if I was supposed to say, "Yeah, you're gorgeous, take me now!" (Was I? Oops.)

That sounds a bit friend-zoney. Lucky for you that guys don't have such a concept. Next time, just say that it's not about your looks, it's all about the penis. If he wants a real opinion, then you are willing to be honest with him.

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Hmm. I wasn't sure. It doesn't really seem friend-zoney when he asks. He gets kind of serious. I guess what is the most baffling about this is that he's asked me more than once. He's probably asked me ten times. You'd think that once was enough.


So all is probably not lost?

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LOL. That's not what I meant! I just mean he's being kind of cold and it's sort of been weird between us (transition in a bad way) since life's been kind of crazy. I want to show interest but not be pushy.


I tend to panic anyway. Oh well. I'll hafta get over that, won't I?

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Remember all that crap about the guy wanting a chase. Anyway, it's good to remember that once in a while.


All right, you can forget it, now. There's nothing wrong with being a little pushy. Pushing the issue can save you a year or two of pissing around.

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Heh. I guess I should probably just re-apply some silliness when I'm around him and maybe kick up the flirting. I'll just plant one on him the next time we have a possible moment rather than waiting to see if he does.

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