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ok, so i have a friend who did something i can not decode nor can my female friends. i see hi'm quite rarely, maybe once every five weeks or so, but when we do hook up we laugh a great deal - we share a dark sense of humour and often seem giddy around each other. i doubt he is that interested in me, he teases me often on messenger but only calls to hang out once every two weeks or so.


so, at the end of coffee, copious giggling and touching, and dark wit, he shook my hand, weirdly, formally, kinda gazingly. i'm really very baffled. should i not hang out with him again? is he trying to tell me he'd like us to be on more formal terms? i am hyper-analyzing, i know, and i found it more odd and hence pleasing than anything else, but i did want to see if this gesture means something in guy land that no one in my circle knows anything about.

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this guy is, as far as i know, just a buddy; we talk about people we find attractive while we hang out sometimes, or which character from lit we'd jump (he is NOT the book club guy, though) mine is jude for depth, strangeness, and the scent of the tragic that hangs around him, plus he is way more in my league than that superhot othello. any takers out there in forum land for this parlour game?

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giggles; nope, not drunk. but quite nervous.

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