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Am I missing something?

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So I have this friend, and her and I are pretty good friends I'd say. As of a few weeks ago it seems as if she has been trying to push me away. About 4 years ago we got into this huge fight, which led us to go our separate ways until a few months ago when we started hanging out again.


Ok, so back to my question. She was dating one of my friends and things were going rough for them, so she was coming to me for comfort and advice...now I'm not the greatest person for relationship advice, but I did my best to help her out because I care for her a lot. They ended up separating and she called me one night pretty upset, saying how I should never get in a relationship and I should stay single forever, etc... Then she chuckles and says "If anything we'll just end up hooking up" This threw me off guard, because 4 years ago the same sort of things were happening. Our friendship got rocky when I was catching the vibe that she liked me, but when I brought it up and told her I had feelings for her, she turned on me and pushed me out of her life.


I've always been terrible at catching signals honestly, but some of the things that were happening were flirting, she would invite me to dinner with her friends and feed me her food, she would call me every day to come hang out, she would always say "God I just want to hook up with someone right now" every time I was around her, she would say certain things about me were so cute, etc..


Now recently it's kind of been happening again. And I don't know what to think. I don't want to get into any sort of relationship, but I would like to know what it is that she is thinking honestly. It's really tearing at my thoughts.


Ok, so fast forward to the present. I was hanging out with her one day to keep her company and it was getting late so I mentioned I was going to head home. Then she says to me, "Why would you drive home, just stay here" So I ended up staying the night. I've always been a cuddler when I sleep. It's just habit to grab onto something when I sleep. With that said, I woke up with my arm over her side and pretty close to her. Once I realised what I was doing I moved so I wasn't all over her. A few minutes later I wake up and now she is all over me. Her leg is stretched across my waist and she has her arm wrapped around me.


The next day is when things began to get awkward. Later on in the day after I was off work I went to hang out with her and she jokingly said "you were all snuggly with me last night, you know were just friends right?" I said, "Yeah, what makes you say that?" then the conversation was interrupted and nothing more was said. Later on she had mentioned to me that she had not slept through an entire night until the night I stayed with her. I'm not sure if I freaked her out or what, because since then it seems as if she has been pushing me away. She also tells me she doesn't know what she would do without me in her life, and if something were to happen to me she wouldn't know how she would carry on.


Did I do something wrong? Or am I missing something? Like I said I don't care to get into a relationship, but I would really like to know what is going on. Does she in fact have feelings, but just isn't saying anything? Or am I just catching false signals?


All this is just really confusing the hell out of me.


Sorry for the long post lol, I haven't had much sleep tonight unfortunately.


Thanks in advance.


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confused and broken

By the sounds of it she is playing you HARD... she just wants the attention and a boy in her pocket, but she is just using you...

I feel sorry for you because I know how it feels to be on the short end of the stick, but James its time to have some pride and quit letting this woman walk all over you and playing with your heart........you deserve more

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well she likes you, BUT, its a big one, she is scared of commitment by the looks of things. The recent events had made her think, by also avoiding the question you asked before the interruption is a clear sign she didn't want to tell you the truth.


The fact that she flirted with you, even though she said "friends", seriously, no girl says that unless she is implying something. I should know, I'm a girl.


So you wanna know if you should do anything? don't not now. Get distracted and stay busy for awhile, if she likes to chase guys that is, then she'll come around and be more flirty and may actually be more incline to start to like you.


Also I never once known a girl to act like that with a guy in public unless she "likes" him and she was implying to wanting YOU for hooking-up, cause being she was mentioning it that means you have crossed her mind on a sexual level.


The fact that she is being all distant and aloof and just saying "friends" she doesn't want to get serious, maybe just fool around till she knows if things should progress anymore. So just flirt back atleast once and if she ever says she just wants to hook up with someone right then and there, ask her "well i'm right here, why not me?" try that, maybe that'll get her thinking on a different level with you for a change and maybe things will progress, you never know till you try.

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