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not what I expected back from LDR

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Hello, I will make this one quick for quick advice:


I'm almost to the 2 years in a relationship where the last 9 months of it has been LD, and a total of 16 months have been long distance from the beginning. It's been going very well, and she still tells me she's not going anywhere, and she wants to marry me.

so anyway, I just got back from 9 months in europe studying and working, and now the long distance is finally over and I'm with my girl everyday for the summer. It's been 3 weeks now, and it's definitely not what I expected. The passion we used to have is gone (except for a few days in there) and we don't seem to connect and communicate as as well as we did when were were actually long distance!!?? weird. I feel like I have changed a little and she has gotten more bitter and uptight. We bicker over such little things like we're a married couple, and we've had sex only 3 times since I've been back! (she's always tired, and doesn't like it that much because she's small - but assures me it's okay). I really do trust her when she says she never cheated on me the whole time I've been gone. But I wonder are these things to be taken seriously, or is it just part of what the weird world of LDR's do to us, and that all of this will blow over soon. Keep in mind that things have been very stressful for her the past 2 weeks finishing up her thesis, and I helped her tremendously with that.


any pointers, advice, words of wisdom from others that have been through a returning LDR, I would greatly appreciate!




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