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in Love with my engaged best friend

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my best friend and i became friends about 11 years ago i was only 13 he was 15. we met at church anyway about a year later he used to come and visit me at my house we kind of had a crush on each other. i really liked him however as years went by he turned out to be a dog but we were still close friends. he left for college and we were secretly in love with each other. about a year later i got pregnant by someone else he was hurt but still doing his own thing with others. years went on with us just pretending to be best friends but truly in love with each other. he graduated from college and at his party i met his girlfriend i was crushed but hid it well. a week later we had sex for the first time and have been together almost like a couple since then 4 years now. but he still had a girlfriend i can not give my heart to anyone else because i am so in love with him although i've tried. we've argued about it and agreed not to see each other anymore but it didn't work. about 7 months ago we got into a big argument about the whole thing and stopped talking for months. i moved away and changed my numbers, in april i came home to visit family and ran into him:( we've been sexually involved and everything else since then and sprung the news on me that he was engaged now! i just wanted to faint but i didn't. i am so crushed but so in love i know im wrong but i tell him that we shouldn't talk anymore and brings the friendship into it, we play friends for a while and then we are back playing th couple bit. last week we had another fight about how hurt i was by all of this and now he says he can't do it anymore he needs his space. im trying to let go but am having a hard time. are relationship is not just sexual its so much more and i think hes making the wrong deciscion by getting married but who knows. i want to move on with my life but it hurts so bad. i had 3 therapy sessions over him about 6 months ago and was doing fine we he popped back up i went back to him. my therapist had be discussing my situation with others and getting help and support from others so thats what im doing know



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i dont even need to read what you wrote, the title says it all.......HES ENGAGED, HES OFF LIMITS.

you might need to end the friendship, cause you and he dont need this.

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