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my mom is being abused by her bf and won't leave


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I really don't know where to start. My mom is 40 and her boyfriend is 45. My mom is definitely the kind of woman who wouldn't put up with anyone's sh*t. I think that is why I am so baffled. They have been dating a little over 2 years. I know my mom is very depressed between losing my grandpa in 03 and separating from my dad the same year. She was also the type of person to never touch alcohol. Since my grandpa died she has been drinking a lot.


Her boyfriend is an extremely nice guy. Too nice almost. But, apparently he is the type of person who gets angry when he drinks. He has hurt her so many times. She had to get physical therapy on her back about 3 months ago because of him. A few days ago I went to pick up my brother and sister who are 9 and 12 and in the middle of it all. I noticed his car was gone and I also noticed bruises poking out of my moms shirt on her back. I asked her how that happened and she said don't worry about it, it's taken care of.


As soon as I got in the car I asked my sister. Apparently, hey got in a fight not sure what about and he threw her on the ground in the STONE driveway. When he threw her on the ground he said, "I oughtta kill you." She called the cops but he left before they got there. This happened June 20. She said she was going to file a PFA this week.


So on Saturday she met up with the kids and I and was obviously under the influence. She said she didn't know what to do because he promised to go to AA. I told her she needs to go to because alcoholic's can't be around other alcoholics. Then she said she wouldn't let him back without my permission. I told her she wasn't getting it.


The kids and I were leaving and she stayed. My sister said mom had been dropped off by a friend. I said, "I bet any money it's him." No sooner did I say that than he was standing there about 20 feet from me. I wanted to attack him.


Why would she lie to me if he was already back? Why does she keep kicking him out and letting him back? It's probably the 10th time. I am so worried that the kids will be scarred or grow up crazy. I just don't know what to do; I feel so helpless. Any advice?

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