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The Ex contacted me again


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Most often, this kind of random contact within the first year, is for ego stroking. If someone really wants to be with you, they will make a bigger effort than that.


It's been more then a year since the break up (almost 14 mths) but I agree with you...she would make a bigger effort(at my current state...it wouldn't make a difference to me).


First it was the text message sent at the beginning of May


"How r yu doing was just thinking of yu today"


I never bothered responding.


Then it was the email sent at the end of June

"Thank you for this heartfelt email. I really appreciated it. (I can't

remember if I responded to it at the time or not?)

I hope you are doing well."

So if there is an order of things...logically the next attempt at contact would be the phone call...


but as someone told me...my silence speaks volumes...she might just get the message

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Unfortunately I will always remember her betrayal...I think it will be part of me for a long time

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It's been more then a year since the break up (almost 14 mths) but I agree with you...she would make a bigger effort(at my current state...it wouldn't make a difference to me).


First it was the text message sent at the beginning of May


"How r yu doing was just thinking of yu today"


I never bothered responding.


Then it was the email sent at the end of June


"Thank you for this heartfelt email. I really appreciated it. (I can't

remember if I responded to it at the time or not?)

I hope you are doing well."


So if there is an order of things...logically the next attempt at contact would be the phone call...


but as someone told me...my silence speaks volumes...she might just get the message

Gotta' love the repetitive circling, then the strike!

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In some ways I feel guilty for ignoring/not responding to her especially after reading how some of the love-shackers feel when their ex doesn't respond to their contact./


When you start to feel that way, remember that she cheated on you. Do you think she felt guilty about it? Apparently not. So why feel guilty about treating her like the dog she is? She doesn't deserve any of your attention. None whatsoever.




Uhhh brother. WAKE UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


You are not at fault. SHE is the one who made this bed. You MAKE her sleep in it. If she really wanted you in her life she wouldn't have cheated on you. SCREW HER dude and the horse she rode in on.


There are better women out there for you man. Why waste your time on a woman like that???


I really needed to read this today, thanks CG. You are so friggin right. If she really wanted me she would not have screwed around on me. She called me 3 weeks ago and I stupidly answered ( not knowing it was her ) and she had nothing to say except, sorry for calling, I don't know why I called, s**t like that. I told her not to call again unless it was an emergency, kids hurt, car accident, etc..... I have not heard from her since, thank god.

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Unfortunately I will always remember her betrayal...I think it will be part of me for a long time


This is why in cases of infidelity, I do not condone second chances.


Burn me once, shame on you.

Burn me twice, shame on ME.

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What am I doing to myself...


Since she sent me the email last week...she's been in my mind space...so I figure what harm can it cause if I just google her(I haven't done this in 6 mths)...since she is already in my thoughts b/c of her email.


I found stuff about her life...like new races and pics of her. I don't really need to know anything new about her life...it's really none of my business. All it can do is keep her stuck in my mind space longer. It was stupid of me.


Well at least I haven't replied to her email or anything like that.

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I slipped today too and looked at his credit card account. I don't know what the hell I thought I was going to see but it's just bars and restaurants. Just confirms his alcoholism, again, I already know this, it's hard to stop looking :mad:

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