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well everybody, feel free to crucify me

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Here's the strategy :


Never get ready for a date until it is confirmed 2 hours prior by phone . With that and a call from him thats he's on his way gives you some backing.

Always have plan B. Meaning the guy does not show up , you go and do whatever else it is with that plan B.


If he is more than 30 min late , leave .


15 min workable. Why is he running late ? Does he seemed concerned that he is late ?


Do not tolerate rude behavior :


That is defined as :


No call , no show .


No response with one hour after failed show.


Failure to email , text or call 2 hours after flaker behavior.


Now on to this piece of work. :


He does not respect you. He does not care about you. He just wants to make sex with you.


He deserves NOTHING back.


Always remember : Never give energy to someone who isn't giving the same energy back.



he not only did a no show on wed night- but i had SPECIFICALLY asked him to contact me if he wasnt coming-and he didnt even do that!

I especially agree with what you are saying about never giving energy to someone who isnt giving energy back. Thats why I havent contacted him.

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Well so as some may unfortunately remember, I was sex buddies with this guy between october and february. I fell for him blah blah, then we had a falling out.


Anyway he is back in contact. He was going to show up on monday night before work at about 930 ( a nightshift worker) . No show.


Next day he apologises over IM


Arranges for last night (wednesday night) to show up and 9pm. I said to him "can you let me know if you arent coming"






Made a magnification of how stupid the whole f buddy thing is and how stupid I am, and how cheap, and how worthless he must see me, not even to contact me to say not showing.


Feel free to tell me what an idiot I am, but really, I already know.



ALSO: last time we were seeing each other I was really clingy and needy. He will be expecting me to call/ email/ text/ IM today to chase after him. Not doing it, not doing anything. I feel like an idiot.


So lets see if I have this right : 2 booty call attempts , one Monday and one Wednesday.


This is all about not being available AT ALL to this guy. ( I know I wrote another post but was more focused on the no call ~ no show stuff )


But this dude was sleeping with you , something went wrong, he rings you up after not seeing you for , lets say 4 months, wants to see you LATE NIGHT and disses you by not showing up AT ALL.


But then again you don't want this anyway. He can ring you til doomsday. Tell him in a voicemail that you were vulnerable last year as a sexy buddy but now you realize you don't like his penis anymore and you found a better one/guy ~ go on and do that :) Not sure he's going to believe that but here here keep ignoring all his texts , calls and attempts at drive bys....This guy has to know you are a SMART girl and only give yourself to someone that cares about you :)

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So lets see if I have this right : 2 booty call attempts , one Monday and one Wednesday.


This is all about not being available AT ALL to this guy. ( I know I wrote another post but was more focused on the no call ~ no show stuff )


But this dude was sleeping with you , something went wrong, he rings you up after not seeing you for , lets say 4 months, wants to see you LATE NIGHT and disses you by not showing up AT ALL.


But then again you don't want this anyway. He can ring you til doomsday. Tell him in a voicemail that you were vulnerable last year as a sexy buddy but now you realize you don't like his penis anymore and you found a better one/guy ~ go on and do that :) Not sure he's going to believe that but here here keep ignoring all his texts , calls and attempts at drive bys....This guy has to know you are a SMART girl and only give yourself to someone that cares about you :)



Yep you got it right-


Arranged for Monday- he does a no show. Next day - no attempt at apology except i stupidly got on Instant Msg and he told me that 'sorry but I was running late for work"


So we arrange for wednesday. I say "let me know if you are not coming"


he doesnt show, and he doesnt contact me. I havent heard from him at all.

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Yep you got it right-


Arranged for Monday- he does a no show. Next day - no attempt at apology except i stupidly got on Instant Msg and he told me that 'sorry but I was running late for work"


So we arrange for wednesday. I say "let me know if you are not coming"


he doesnt show, and he doesnt contact me. I havent heard from him at all.


Thats because last year it was easier for him to get the sex from you.


This year it started to get easier again when you said " Okay " to him coming over late nite , * which is always a booty call *. I am not knocking you , only educating you because I was in this type of situation too.


That was 3 years ago and I don't do repeats. So I try to help the girls who don't know they are in a FWB or feel unworthy enough to be in one if they Do know they are ....


The lack of respect is in so many ways : Use you for sex

Does not give you a call he is going to be late or even show up at all.

Best advice : Dont take his calls. Leave him a voicemail or text that you are not the same girl you were last year. He needs to move on.


Of course he will. Guys have discovered booty call central and if you close the store they will just knock on another door until someone opens it.


Close your doors forever for men who don't respect you at all...

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