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Can't get over boyfriends past because of my lack of one...

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I'm 27 and up until last year I'd never kissed anyone let alone anything else. I've now only kissed 3 guys, one of which being my boyfriend that I've now been with over a year and he is the only guy I've been intimate with.


When I was younger guys were never interested in me and when I was 15 a friend made fun of me because I'd never kissed anyone and ever since then I'd felt like such a freak that if a guy did show any interest I'd pretend that I wasn't interested so he wouldn't know how inexperienced I was. I've never had heaps of guys after me but the ones that did I'd keep a distance to so nothing happened.


Last year I got really drunk and kissed a guy and that gave me the confidence to kiss another guy a while later and then I met my boyfriend. He has slept with one other girl and I feel so jealous that I am not his first. I feel less special somehow that he has my virginity and I don't have his. It has become a MAJOR issue between us and has led to us almost breaking up a few times and I've walked out the door with my bags packed only to come back a few minutes later, thats how bad it has got. It causes arguments every day. When I'm happy though I am so incredibly happy as I just love him so much, its just this that makes me unhappy.


At first I thought my main problem was the fact that he has slept with another girl and had other girlfriends but having thought about it I have realized that its not the fact that he has slept with someone else that is the major issue but the fact that I haven't. I am sure I wouldn't have slept with a lot of men but I'd just like to have had someone in my past just to call an ex and to have experienced different things. I feel I've missed out on such a major part of growing up and of life experience - all the things like boyfriends and first kisses, etc when you're young and in your teens that you should experience I haven't done and I really feel like I've missed out. I realized today that I think I am more jealous of his ex girlfriend who slept with him when she was 16 and did experience all of that than I am of him, if that makes sense!


What can I do to get over this? I know this problem probably sounds really silly but I just can't get over it. I love this man more than anything in the world and the last thing I want to do is break up with him or go out with other guys, I just wish I had done in my past.

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I'm going to go on the record and say that that train of thought doesn't really lead to any place good. You wish you had done it in the past, but you didn't. You have someone now so you need to stop wondering "what if" before it destroys your relationship. I'm 90% sure if you continue this way, with this train of thought, you will be having those experiences you oh so wish you would have.

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My god, you're 27 and upset that you're boyfriend has slept with ONE other person?


Get a grip and grow up woman. Maybe if enough people in this thread tell you how petty and insignificant this issue really is you'll stop ruining what could potentially be a great relationship.


Sex is very overrated... first time sex even more so. You're putting the sex on a pedestal.

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