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girlfriend is confused

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ok, here is my situation. Im 23 and this girl i have been seeing is 17. We started dating 2 years ago. I was her first boyfriend. We fell in love with each other and even talked about getting married when she gets out of school.


Of course we had a few arguements and every time we had an arguement, she would brake up with me. We would always get back together though. Both of her parents love me to death.


Well back in January we had another arguement and of course she broke up with me. Well, we didn't talk to each other for a couple of weeks, and we started talking again and i wanted me and her to get back together but she didn't want to. She keeps telling me that she is not capable of loving anyone right now. And she says she wants me and her to be just the best of friends. She says she see's me more as a best friend or a brother. We still talk every day on the phone and we always go out every weekend. Everytime we are doing something together we have lots of fun. I love her sooooooo much that i would die for her. I want me and her to be considered as boyfriend & girlfriend again but what do i do? She started seeing another guy but it only lasted about two weeks before he dumped her because she is still a virgin, and he was a guy looking for sex. I love her so much that i dunno what to do. I can't stop being her friend but it bothers me when she acts like she is looking for another guy. I want to get her back and have a long lasting relationship with her. What should i do?





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ok, here is my situation. Im 23 and this girl i have been seeing is 17. We started dating 2 years ago. I was her first boyfriend. We fell in love with each other and even talked about getting married when she gets out of school. Of course we had a few arguements and every time we had an arguement, she would brake up with me. We would always get back together though. Both of her parents love me to death. Well back in January we had another arguement and of course she broke up with me. Well, we didn't talk to each other for a couple of weeks, and we started talking again and i wanted me and her to get back together but she didn't want to. She keeps telling me that she is not capable of loving anyone right now. And she says she wants me and her to be just the best of friends. She says she see's me more as a best friend or a brother. We still talk every day on the phone and we always go out every weekend. Everytime we are doing something together we have lots of fun. I love her sooooooo much that i would die for her. I want me and her to be considered as boyfriend & girlfriend again but what do i do? She started seeing another guy but it only lasted about two weeks before he dumped her because she is still a virgin, and he was a guy looking for sex. I love her so much that i dunno what to do. I can't stop being her friend but it bothers me when she acts like she is looking for another guy. I want to get her back and have a long lasting relationship with her. What should i do? PLEASE HELP!!!!!! Mike




You need to let her grow. If you are really in love with her, then you want her to be happy too. But what you are doing right now is pressuring her. She has been with you sinse she was fifteen. Listen to her when she says that she's not ready to fall in love yet. It seems to me that what she wants is a brother. So be her brother. If you love her, you'll be able to do that.

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