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Why misogynists make better husbands.

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Do you think that most men in our society have been blinded by a sentimental view of women as the sensitive gender and do you think they have made themselves vunerable and weak through delsuional thinking?


Also, do you think it's helpful for a man to operate under an assumption of distrust until the woman proves you otherwise?


Yes men and been blinded. This society pushes the view that women are angels and always the victim in relationships and many men believe it.


Yes I do. I am not saying that men should mistreat women but a woman should not be trusted until she shows what she is about.

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Look, my dad was a cerial cheater. He was physically and mentally abusive to me and my siblings. I'm not going into detail because that would take way to long.


In order to move away from the damage that he did, I had to morn his death, so to speak. I had to completely let go of the fantasy that he cared or was decent and nurturing. This process took weeks. It was as if he really died, because all the hope and false ideas I had about him did die.


After I let go, I was free: Free of the hate and anger that I held for so long. I'm not saying I'm perfect. I have still have my days when I loose or get angry because something reminds me of what I went through. However, I am no longer scared or distrustful of men. I no longer think that they are all perverts and mysoginist (sp?).


I'm not saying that you should do the same as me. Maybe you already have, but you seem to have all this hate towards women and if it's because of your mom, then maybe it is time to let her go.



WOW.. I could have written those 2 paragraphs.. I did the exact same thing.. and only then did I felt free... I have never been in deep depression since. :)

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Yes but some of you think ALL men cheat..Uhm, no. They don't ALL cheat. Many, yes. Not all.

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WOW.. I could have written those 2 paragraphs.. I did the exact same thing.. and only then did I felt free... I have never been in deep depression since. :)


Letting go can work wonders. Now if Woggle could just let go of whatever is causing him to be so miserable, he could move on and quit making these "women are evil" post!

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I started this way after my first marriage broke up and when I look around I feel I am 100% right.I never said that all women were this way but one look at this board should show there is at least some truth to my views. How can anybody without blinders on deny that?


Here's something you can do that might help you gain a more balanced perspective. Cound the number of male and female cheaters on these boards. I know that it isn't all that accurate, but still it will give you a better understanding that niether man nor woman out cheats the other by all that much.

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Here's something you can do that might help you gain a more balanced perspective. Cound the number of male and female cheaters on these boards. I know that it isn't all that accurate, but still it will give you a better understanding that niether man nor woman out cheats the other by all that much.


Men and women cheat in pretty much equal numbers but what angers me is how female cheaters are still treated like victims and in some cases celebrated as feminists. It's like no matter what happens it is always the man's fauly and if she does wrong he somehow drove her to it. This is the mentality that pisses me off. I know it is not all women and many women are as sicked by it as I am but it is so easy for a woman to damn near get away with murder so many take advantage of it.


If men were able to play the victim like that many of them would take advantage of it as well but society has told us to damn near apologize for our existence. All my mother had to do was give my father a look and he would start apologizing and not even know what he did wrong but my father could beat the crap out of both of us and the next day it would be all his fault for making her angry. This is what I am fighting against. Many men help this mentality as well. It's the male judges who are letting men get robbed blind by their ex-wives even if he did nothing wrong and it was a female judge who rightly ruled that my ex didn't deserve a dime so not every man is a friend of mine and not every woman is an enemy.

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You've obviously had some really bad experiences with the two people you should have been able to trust the most in your life. They let you down miserably. I'm really sorry those things happened to you because no child deserves that. It's very, very sad when people have children and don't value them or understand how important their influence is on them.


One thing I've noticed about myself over the years is that somehow life went from being very positive - great parents and all - to very negative. During that negative time, I began drawing some really nasty conclusions about men. Then, after all of those years rolled by, I came back around to myself and realized something really important - that when I decided there would be no more guys in my life who were less than wonderful, lo and behold, there were only wonderful men in my life. From the people I work with to friends, etc. In other words, yes there are people in this world with very low standards - men and womem - but I was the one who decided that those kinds of people will never make blip on my radar again.


When you make up your mind that not only will these kinds of people never make an entrance into your life again, they won't get your blood pressure up anymore, either. When you no longer feel compelled to discuss this topic, you'll know you've reached a really good place in your heart.

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Misogynists AND chauvanists make THE worst co-workers.


Why in the world would anyone actually want to marry one knowing that they are that way?


Wog, I like you, but I always wonder why you come off as so conflicted. And THIS is conflicted.

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Both implies a hatred and disrespect for women. This hatred leads to things like verbal and physical abuse. Women who become little more than shadows, than real partners in a marriage. My brother had this same idea, and now he is getting divorced. He did not want a Muslim woman as his wife, saying that they were too submissive, yet, is this not what they are taught how they are suppose to be unto their husbands? Is this not what you as a believe suppose to stand up for? No, instead, he marries a Christian woman and thought he was going to change her. Thus, making her submit unto the woman he thought she should be.


Any relationship based on such thoughts and activities of downplay to downright dismissal of the other's personality and self-expression is an abomination and a mockery of what is intended for good and the betterment of life. And a person who would support this needs to be cut off from the relationships of an intimate nature as to not spread their toxic thoughts and behavior.




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He did not want a Muslim woman as his wife, saying that they were too submissive, yet, is this not what they are taught how they are suppose to be unto their husbands? Is this not what you as a believe suppose to stand up for? No, instead, he marries a Christian woman and thought he was going to change her. Thus, making her submit unto the woman he thought she should be.









You are Muslim?

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You are Muslim?


No I am Christian. I believe my wife has a much to say in the marriage as the man. I actually liken a marriage to the Trinity.




Jesus Christ-Wife


Holy Spirit-Children (if any).


Just like God did not create the world by Himself (He spoke to the Word and the Word was Jesus) and the Word made it so. The Word has always been the driving force behind God, just like the wife is the driving force behind that husband. Just like God relied up the Word to make things into being, that husband should be turn to his wife with ALL things concerning the marriage. And just like God gave a lot of power unto the Son, that husband has to be able to share of that power and that wife use that power appropriately to the upbuilding of the marriage as Christ does for the upcoming kingdom of God.




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Not that it should be an issue, I believe DNR is a christian. Solid member of the forums too.


OP my heart goes out to you, while I can understand how you feel that women can all to easily play victim men can also have an angel outlook "she must of been frigid" "she was using him for his money, of course he'd look for sex elsewhere" etc etc all too often the boys will be boys excuses can be similar to the victim role women get. Theyre both wrong.


I'll never understand what you went through to have the views you do today from your point of view but all I can say is learn to forgive yourself and those who have wronged you. These feelings you have are no good and they are destroying you and will continue to consume you.

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I believe my wife should have as much rights and say in the marriage as I (and no, I am not married or ever have been).


I would say yes on the practicing. I still read my Bible, try to help those in need, put others before myself, still striving to do as what God will have me to do. But, as any Christian will tell you... This does not equate me as being perfect, I am still a human being with my flaws, making strives where I can and praying on those things I faultier in.




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Misogynists AND chauvanists make THE worst co-workers.


Why in the world would anyone actually want to marry one knowing that they are that way?


Wog, I like you, but I always wonder why you come off as so conflicted. And THIS is conflicted.


I am very conflicted. It's against everything I believe to hate a person because of their race, gender, religion, sexual orientation or whatever but I see some things that sicken me. I would never encourage a man to mistreat women but if a woman mistreats him he should drop her in a heartbeat. Sure this applies to both genders but women from a young age are taught this I am woman hear me roar stuff while men are taught to treat women with respect. People in general who warrant respect should get it man or woman but many men are blindsided when they learn that selfishness, egotism, narcissism and downright abusive behavior know no gender. Men do not have a monopoly on these traits yet this society is still stuck in the mentality that men are the wrongdoers and women are the ones who have wrong down to them. Men need to take the blinders off and start seeing things for what they really are.

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Women were never meant to make decisions. They cannot handle concepts or make decisions. They're merely vessels for sperm to produce children and care for the children. They also serve a purpose of looking after their man; providing a means of emotional release for him, when he is depressed he shouldn't show it but a woman should be able to make him feel better.


Women have these roles because it is their job.


However, some women have male brains and are capable of understanding concepts and making decisions. These women, as decision makers decided a woman should be allowed to take on the role of a man if she decides that is what she wants. Also these women decided that it she be encouraged for a woman to do so, even when said women have no brains; and would prefer to look at pictures of puppies all day and bake cakes.


Not only have they forced this view onto women but onto society in general.


So the normal women, looked at these man women with bleeting eyes and said 'I want to be like you' (because they can't make decisions) what should have happened is they get sent back to bedroom and told to go make babies.

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You are just as bad as the feminists I rail against. Are you for real?

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Women were never meant to make decisions. They cannot handle concepts or make decisions. They're merely vessels for sperm to produce children and care for the children. They also serve a purpose of looking after their man; providing a means of emotional release for him, when he is depressed he shouldn't show it but a woman should be able to make him feel better.


How is the spem-vessel search going?

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Max gives misogynists a bad name.


All women are whores.


They're all whores.




the lot of them.

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You are just as bad as the feminists I rail against. Are you for real?


Oh come on ! (hands on hips female splendor) you made a thread claiming misogynists make better husbands. I at least have a sense of humor.

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