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ex-bf problems

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So i dated my high school sweetheart for 2 years, shared everything together and i mean everything. We decided to stay together after graduating high school and go to different schools and be in a long distance relationship because we loved each other. All of a sudden out of the blue he breaks up with me last january says he wants experience and says he's scared of us getting married and divorced and all that jazz when in reality i wasn't ready to get married either and he knew that but i guess he was just scared.


Alright that was just the break up story. the real story here is that this summer he has been giving me mixed signals back and forth we are home from college and he has been spilling his guts to me about all the bad stuff that has happened to him and how carma came back and bit him in the butt after we broke up. He says he's glad we can still talk to each other and that we are still good friends and we can be civil about the break up. I still have feelings for him unfortunately cause I never really thought we were that serious. But when we were together i was really dependent on him for a lot of things, friends, advice and other things. But the other night he tells me he is REALLY ATTRACTED TO ME PHYSICALLY. so we talked and we hooked up. Now he said he made it clear that he wants me on a physical basis right now. but i still can't help but think that it could turn into something more. He says he really doesn't want to hurt me anymore and that he really values what we had. help if you can i know its a long story to read but PLEASE READ IT.

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please help me with a reply guys i know this has had alot more reviews then replies, this situation is getting worse i already had sex with him cause i dont know what to do and i am now developing feelings for him i think but i am not sure. please help

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You're young and not on the same page. He wants something physical and casual and you want something more complete and committed (or so I'm hearing). If you're the same age, this is typical, as women mature before men do, especially emotionally. I'm still working on that and I'm nearly 50 :D


Anyway, if casual sex is OK with you, date him as well as other guys and be sexual with whom you wish. He may come around or you might meet someone else who's on the same relationship page as yourself. My best advice is not to get too serious with anyone too quickly. Youth is a time for growth and adventure :)

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thanks i will take that into account and see where it takes me and if not ill find a new guy in august when i go back to school, thank you so much:)

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