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My ex called and wants to try again!!

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The wrong ex though :(..


This is the other girl that broke my heart about 6 years ago. I left my country for her, my job, my family, everything just to be with her.


I was distraught when it ended, absolutely gutted. I did all the classic mistakes, begging, crying etc.. For nothing.. It took me at least a year to get over her. And now 6 years later she wants us to fall in love again!


Isn't it sad that i used to love this girl so much, that i used to worship the ground she walked on but now; now that i can possibly have her again. I don't want her!.


I want the other girl who broke my heart. The most recent one. It goes to show, that they might well want to come back in the future. But when they do... You just aren't interested..


I hope that one day my current ex. The most amazing creature on the planet, will want me back and i hope that on that day, it's not too late.

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WOW iwish I WISH I WAS YOU! That means there is still hope for me! My EX broke up with me 4 years ago and hasn't talked to me since. Maybe one day I'll get that phone call.... but yeah I won't hold my breathe.


So what did you tell her? I mean it has been 6 years, thats kind of nuts!

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HILARIOUS! Goes to show that grief is temporary and that those lousy unappreciative exes sometimes do have epiphanies. But by then we've realized we're too good for them :)


I have to say, it seems a little presumptuous of her to just ask for you back after all those years. She probably recently had some really crappy experience with a guy and it made her think wistfully of you, a good guy who once really loved her.


You should tell her how in love you are with this other girl, just for kicks.

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My ex ex got in contact after 5 years, talking about how much she had changed, blah blah. Then when I emailed her back, she didn't respond. Changed? Not at all. Actions speak...


So, good luck.

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ALL mine come crawling back. ( no clue why) I have 2 ex's who periodically call and propose.


Like someone said above though; i give them enough rope to hang themselves and once they've done that, i can walk away clean and NEVER look back.


I keep em as friends if that's what they desire though :laugh:

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Haha...mel! Are we sharing a love life? Yes, they all come back at sometime or another but...


*by rote*


Exes are exes for good reason.

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Absolutely. Friends is great. We've been friends for a while now. But believe me people i'm not in the slightest bit interested in re-igniting that old flame.


I think she feels she's getting older and is worried that she wont actually find better than what we had years ago.


I only posted this to show people (myself included) that you do get over them. you get over them so much that you would refuse them.


I for one can't wait until i get over my current ex.

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Absolutely. Friends is great. We've been friends for a while now. But believe me people i'm not in the slightest bit interested in re-igniting that old flame.


I think she feels she's getting older and is worried that she wont actually find better than what we had years ago.


I only posted this to show people (myself included) that you do get over them. you get over them so much that you would refuse them.


I for one can't wait until i get over my current ex.



Good for you, great attitude ! And thanks for sharing, thats what we are here for after all, teo help others learn from our experiences.


( and TBF, not yet, but in 5 yrs there are going to be LOTS of broken hearts:laugh: )

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My ex ex got in contact after 5 years, talking about how much she had changed, blah blah. Then when I emailed her back, she didn't respond. Changed? Not at all. Actions speak...


So, good luck.


What crap that is. Classic example of someone putting out the feelers, or trying for an ego boost by contacting ex's.

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My ex's always come back to tell me how wrong they were and blah blah blah. I don't get an ego boost from it. I always wonder why they don't get it at the time. When a romantic relationship is over for me I never go back. I've never been interested in someone after the breakup no matter who ended it. If I get dumped they'd better damn well mean it because I'm not coming back once I've stopped crying.

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Hmm. Well how many times can/do the exes return?


Broke up 3 times with the first (gay) ex. Second ex never came back. Third ex never came back (though we're friends now). This ex came back last year after 6 weeks apart. I have to admit my ego would love for him to crawl back in a year after seeing that the hooch isn't all he hoped she would be -- OR, as a result of intensive therapy where he's finally gotten in touch with a feeling and realizes the pain he caused me with his infidelity. By then I won't want him back, but contact like that would at least feel like the universe had re-balanced itself.

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haha! thats so great... one guy that I dated about... 7 years ago contacted me to say he was sorry he cheated on me...and then ask if we could meet up and maybe get back together... i was like WHAAT??? lol are you kidding??? lol


haha... i dont think i would have taken him back back then either though... lol what kinda crazy must you be to think someone would still feel the same way about you after that long after being hurt so badly????

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blow me down, thats crazy. i wish something would happen to me like that!! that is such a long time ago. and yeah it is even more crazy that you certainly dont want her back, even though nearer the time you would have died for her


lol at what you said inulg. wat a loser

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ALL mine come crawling back. ( no clue why) I have 2 ex's who periodically call and propose.


Like someone said above though; i give them enough rope to hang themselves and once they've done that, i can walk away clean and NEVER look back.


I keep em as friends if that's what they desire though :laugh:


I know what you mean. My ex's always pop up after a little bit of time has passed, maybe a month, 6 months but no later than a year....It's strange. Oh well

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My x wife left me for some one else 10yrs ago, 2 yrs after she tried to get me me back, told me she still loved me, even tried to give me a hug, i told her to get off me and leave me alone, i felt nothing at all for her, we was 2gether for 13 yrs and had 2 kids 2gther, she tried twice more after that, but i just couldnt she did hurt me and i never thought id get over the pain but we do in time, my new x of 7 yrs has come back to me to many times now, over the 7 yrs we have got back together time and again, now she is with some one else lol, im not hoping for her to come back, not yet anyway, but if she did now, id still say no, but in time i feel she will try again and this time i wont b going back, life is to short for all this crap, i need to be happy and she doesnt make anyone happy.

I saw her yesterday she walked past me with her new guy 10 feet away she looked me in the eye for 5 secounds then looked away, next she is asking ppl around town what im up to, why im hangging around with my mate, she even asked another friend if he still talks to me, he told her straight hes been my friend for yrs and course he talks to me, and whats it got to do with her if i hang round with my friend, i dont think she likes the fact im moving on and getting on with my life, she want me to be down in the dumps doing nothing but moping about her, well tought im not, she can keep her new guy, who has been convicted or robbing an old woman of £1.98 a cpl yrs back, lovely, match made in heaven, i hope they have many happy yrs together pmsl.

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She probably recently had some really crappy experience with a guy and it made her think wistfully of you, a good guy who once really loved her.


Exactly what happened with the ex ex, and when I wrote her to say I forgave her after she apologized, she didn't respond! Haha, I really hate people sometimes.

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Exactly what happened with the ex ex, and when I wrote her to say I forgave her after she apologized, she didn't respond! Haha, I really hate people sometimes.


How annoying of her! She was probably secretly disappointed that you didn't profess undying love for her after 5+ years. People's egos can be pretty darn enormous sometimes.

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How annoying of her! She was probably secretly disappointed that you didn't profess undying love for her after 5+ years. People's egos can be pretty darn enormous sometimes.

No kidding! If you're not interested, it's disgusting to want your ego stroked at someone else's expense, particularly someone you've already hurt. :sick:

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How annoying of her! She was probably secretly disappointed that you didn't profess undying love for her after 5+ years. People's egos can be pretty darn enormous sometimes.


Perhaps, orange. A big reason I thought we should engage in a dialog is because she is going through a separation, while I was/am going through a breakup. Stupid, dependent girl got married at 23. Anyway, I thought we could "be there" for each other during the tough times. I told her that I was sorry her mom had died, and that her dad had cancer. I was very kind and forgiving for how she had left me in 2002. Her lack of response was just so rude. I am way too forgiving.

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