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A better way

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I decided to take a 6 week college course this summer. After a few days, I made some friends, and just hung out with them for most of the course, during breaks in the class and before and after class. After about 5 weeks, though, I started to notice this other girl who was hanging out with a different group of guys. She seemed like my type; funny, intelligent, outspoken, and relatively attractive. Still, I didn't want to approach her; she was with a bunch of other guys, and I'm shy, and not particularly self confident. Over the next few days, I made some attempts to talk to her during class, but I was never really able to get a conversation going, as we didn't sit that close to each other, and the teacher was lecturing. There's now a day left in the class, and I realize I'm never going to see her again, which seems like a shame. I see only one chance to see her again outside of class; I would have to just go up to her tomorrow, after class, and say something to the effect of, "Hi, my name is ***. We barely know each other, but you seem pretty cute, and it would be a shame if I never saw you again. Could I have your number?"



1) Should I just give up on this girl who I won't remember in two weeks? Is it worth it?

2) Do you have another suggestion to get her number?

3) Is there something better I could say?

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Go with what you know you two have in common, the class. Ask her something about the class. Make a comment about something in the class. That's a sure way you can start a conversation with her. After a few minutes, see if you can ask for some contact information.

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