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Whose ex has NOT contacted them?

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My ex hasn't called. I have been lamely calling her trying to be her friend, which has turned out to be as fun as burning my hand on a hot stove. She is younger and moved out of our place that we had into a college dorm at the school she is attending. "She is really having fun," and doesn't know where I fit in her life right now. I am dating people, I have even had some really good sex, but I am still puppy-dogging around sniffing after my ex.

I am sick of feeling like a doormat, but wanting to talk to her feels like an impulse. She has been distant, un-emotional, dis-passionate, bored with our convos, and has generally been a total B****. When will I not care if she talks to me or not?

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I don't know how to do this NC thing right. I keep breaking after 4 day...or 5 day stretches. I'll text something, or leave a message,she won't call back, but it makes me feel temporarily better. Like I havn't been forgotten, or that I am still in her life. How do I control these impulses, and realize she is not emotionally thier for me any longer?

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by telling yourself shes not contacting you. shes not answering. she doesnt want to hear from you for whatever reason. it hurts, like another slap in the face....but do u wanna be remembered as the crazy ex?

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this isnt a dig or anything like that you will pick up on my humor in time, but the dude above ... lol

its been 8 months for me and that is by no means long


sorry xxx but thank you for putting a smile on my face

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If I unblocked my ex from everything then he'd probably contact me. In fact I'm sure he would, and he'd ask for sex or sex related things. But thats not what I want.


When I think about the man I want, its someone with higher values than the guy who I broke up with. Someone a little more classy.


I think its not a matter of if your ex has contacted you or not, its more than that. The only time an ex contacting you is good is if you've had full time to heal, you've moved on, and they've become a better person and grown too in that time. MAYBE then contact is cool, then you can chat as new people. Until then, why wait?

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No. I don't want to be remembered as the "crazy ex". That sounds like a horrible title. I am trying my hardest to keep my dignity. I lost a bunch of it in the last month trying to rationalize that she made a mistake and we should give things another try. She wasn't interested, plus i know she was with someone sexually...the summer of 08 when she was away. Why do I still think of her as a nice person, or the caring girl I used to know. She has been emotionally with some else the last 3 months. She never even had to go through any hurt. I am taking the whole brunt of this longing. The 6 year age difference doesn't really help either. I feel so thrown away right now.

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