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Friends with benefits with Long distance ex?

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I am a present friends with an ex who lives in another country. We pretty much split u because of the distance I I know we couldn't be aa relationship as such unless we are both in the same country (and I have two years of a degree before I could move there)

It hasn't alwas been easy being friends but this summer he asked meto come over.

He knows I wanted to sleep with me and indicated he did too but that he didn't want to lead me on thinking that, if we did this, we'd get back together. He isn't the sort of guy who's slept with many girls and I was a bit shocked.

Although I think the idea or concept of FWB seems great I'm scared that, if I slept with him, I'd become more attatched and then when I cme back to my country he could (reasonably) say he got a new girlfriend and that he told me we were just good friends.

I've read loads of stuff about ow FWB can be detrimental if you care about that friend/ex but i wonder what people's views are on this is they are long distance and there is n way they can really have a relationship at this time.

I feel guilty now because I told him I just coudln't go at this time because I know I'd end up sleeping with him and I'm concerned that I don't know if I could handle it or if it would mess my head up?

I keep on think perhaps I could handle it and maybe I'm being stupid? Maybe this is the only chance I'll get to see him again?

I'm trying to be strong and tell myself I've made the right desision?

I've beso grateful for any advice or reassurance that I have made the right desision.

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Sweetie, I totally understand where you are coming from and I am in a sorta similar situation. All my friends and family would agree that you made the right decision; better not go there and risk getting your heart broken as it is very likely you will get attached again when you see him and especially if you sleep with him.


Now I can't tell you what to do because I am considering myself going to see a guy across the other side of the world, knowing very well that there is no reasonable chance of a future for us and I will probably return more heart-broken than ever.


I think you made the right decision, but you will probably think about this for a long time and wonder whether you made a mistake. My positive thoughts go out to you and I wish you the best. Hopefully somebody else can weigh in with some helpful and objective advice.

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