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Girl From Work

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okay well this girl at worked joined about 2months ago, and we got on really well from first day. She is really easy to talk to and i got too know her really quickly. After about 3/4 weeks i relised that i really like her i wasnt sure if this was because i saw her every weekend at work and always had a laugh etc

then one of my friends at work noticed i liked her and encouraged me to ask her out after work.


So i sort of hinted towards meeting after work some time, i was talking about a new film out and she said if you want we could go see it if your not busy during the week i wasnt really expecting her too ask me lol but i jumped at the chance soo she gave me her number and we arranged to meet at train station and go cinema.


So i met her at train station still not knowing how she see's me like as a mate or more? things wasnt akward like we always had something too talk about and i could make her laugh alot, and she choose the film and i payed. During the film we never did anything like hold hands, the whole arm over shoulder thing, i was too nervous and i didnt know if thats what she wanted. we had a good laugh and i waited with her at the train station for like 30 mins because her train was delayed and she said i could go but i said i would wait with her... when her train came she gave me a hug, and as i was walking home she text me too say thank you for 2nite had gd time and cheers for waiting wiv me etc (along those lines)


At work after that we got on well like joking around with each other, but i still dont know how she see's me like she jokes around with the other person around are age aswell (my mate who encouraged me to go cinema with her) well idecided to text her too see if she wanted too go dinner before she went away on holiday and she wanted to, then later in the week she said that she really couldnt because she had no money and that she had loads of things too get for her holiday etc but that when she gets back she definatly wanted too go. so i was like oki fair enuf :)



I text her before she went away to say have a good time etc might even miss you a lil bit :p , she replied aww ty have good time wat ever your doing haha i bet you wont be able to cope without me :p


she is away on holiday atm gets back sunday, also her birthday is on thursday and we work together late night 5-8 that day


so really i want too know

1) do you think she likes me as a friend or more

2) what should i do next, text her on sunday or let her text/call me first

3) should i get her anything for i birthday if so what ?

i really do like her alot now but am scared of messing things up like if i tell her how i feel and she doesnt feel same work will be really akward but if i dont do it then il never know



sorry for the essay x

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Well - I kinda think she likes you back from some of the things you've said about her plus from my own experiences recently in this area. My girlfriend and I met through work too - and she sends me text messages similar to what you two exchanged.


I mentioned something I wanted to do - and she suggested we do it together. Also vice versa... We hit it off from the start - and didn't hold hands until midway through the movie we saw on our second date (so don't be discouraged if you haven't yet - my girl told me she was a little shy about that).


So she texted you after she left on the way home - tells me she didn't want you just to forget her or the time you spent together. She enjoyed it too.


You asked her to dinner - and though she's busy right now - she said she definitely wanted to do it sometime - so she wants another date.


And the text where she is joking around about you not being able to cope without her - that sounds to me like something my girlfriend texted me when she was leaving for a vacation planned before we started going out.


So really - I think she likes you as more than a friend. Should you text/call her? I'm not sure. How often have you texted/called each other? If you talk rarely and its been a while or if you text frequently - i'd say go ahead and send something.


You don't necessarily have to get a birthday present, but it might impress her if you do. If I were you I'd find something small but special that shows her you care.


You'll never know unless you try. Good Luck.

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so really i want too know

1) do you think she likes me as a friend or more

2) what should i do next, text her on sunday or let her text/call me first

3) should i get her anything for i birthday if so what ?

i really do like her alot now but am scared of messing things up like if i tell her how i feel and she doesnt feel same work will be really akward but if i dont do it then il never know



sorry for the essay x


She likes you more than a friend, her text and the fact she wants to go out to dinner another time suggest this.


Don't play games, you text her and initiate the date, don't ask her where she wants to go, just organise something and surprise her. Pick a restaurant that you have been to and like.


Buy her something small, I usually buy a girl a Terry's Chocolate Orange, it's small, it's not expensive and it's good chocolate. I don't know where you are from, but that works for me. I wouldn't buy her anything large or expensive.


Don't tell her how you feel, show her how you feel and she clearly knows how you feel, because she has recipicated and is interested in you too.




thank you for your advice is alot of help!

i think im just going to go for it and see what happens



Don't rush things and don't take things too slowly, just be yourself, relax and enjoy her company, you'll know when the time is right to move onto the next stage, because it will just happen. There's no need to plan things, stress yourself out and drive yourself around the bend.


Dating is all about having an enjoyable time with someone, if things move on to the next stage, wonderful, if it doesn't then that's too bad, but at least you had some enjoyment. Remember this and you won't go far wrong.

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okay well we went cinema 2day and then out for dinner after, i had really good time and think we know each other better, but i still didnt make a move or there was nothing really too suggest that she wants too be more than just mates i dont think anyway, hopefully im wrong, i waited for her at the train station, her train came and i said bye cya tomoz at work, then she said wait then she gave me a hug and got on the train...text me hour or soo later too say that she had good time cya 2moz at work xxx, what do i do next i really do like her, but i dont want too ruin things, like go too quick, but then again i dont want too hang about because then she might not think i like her anymore than just mates, and this is just confussing me now :)

ooh and btw its her birthday 2moz i really need some advice, i know that i do really like her now please help! :)

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