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We agreed on casual sex so....

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Okay so this guy is married. Of course your relationship is about "casual sex". If he has a wife and kids somewhere why are you surprised that he isn't getting back to you when you want him to. As far as buying you lingerie - it was for him not you. Also, why wouldn't this guy still see you if you are having great sex and not asking for anything in return? Your questions really seem self explanitory to me. As far as him bringing you anything you want from his trips - my boss use to do that for me and there was nothing going on between us. I think he disappeared because he is busy doing other things. I suggest you get your attitude on board with his if you want your emotions for this guy to stay "casual".


I agree with all that. Aside, there are such things as emergency appendectomies, in fact it's almost always an emergency. And chances his wife and kids were there for support, not a good time to risk having you call right? I would ask about the scar, as someone else said. But if it was a lie, his wife probably had nothing to do with it (because he could have told you he just couldn't talk if she was around). He could be hiding another relationship. And if you really want it casual, you should let him know that he can be honest with you about other relationships (it was ok with the other guy right?) Of course, being married, none of this should be happening to begin with but that's beside the point, I guess...

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Okay so this guy is married. Of course your relationship is about "casual sex". If he has a wife and kids somewhere why are you surprised that he isn't getting back to you when you want him to. As far as buying you lingerie - it was for him not you. Also, why wouldn't this guy still see you if you are having great sex and not asking for anything in return? Your questions really seem self explanitory to me. As far as him bringing you anything you want from his trips - my boss use to do that for me and there was nothing going on between us. I think he disappeared because he is busy doing other things. I suggest you get your attitude on board with his if you want your emotions for this guy to stay "casual".


I didn't get the impression that he was married. But now that you mention it, the word 'affair' was used. I took that to mean that they had a brief relationship. If he's married, then that puts a different slant on the whole thing.

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You are right, there are always feelings involved. We are both married. The truth is, I met him 5 years ago , he was married and I was single back then , then I got married. I know he cares a lot about me. It shows, its not just wild sex. It use to be 5 years ago but this time it was him being very special, loving, concerned, focused on me and staring at me as we were making love like never before. He told me he cared about me, he had never told me this before and he admitted that 5 years ago, he felt jelous about my former boyfriend back then.


So this is confusing. He even told me that he would bring me whatever I needed from his trips and do anything for me because he always had a secret crush on me.

I think that him disappearing on me, it might also be because he is scared of getting involved in a relationship and also seeing me getting too much involved as well. He knows I am married and I know he is too and we have dealt with his wife before.


Afterwards, he wanted to talk only about sex, about things he will like to try with me and me with him. We even talked about having a threesome. We planned on being together again that same week (last week) on Thursday and never called, turned his phone off. I tried calling from different phones and it was turned off so NOBODY will contact him. On Friday, he text messaged me telling me about his surgery and still talking about how he wished for me to be his private sexy nurse and all that sexy talk.



This is where I got the idea he is still married.

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Well, the guy was really sick after all. I found out about this, because a friend we have in common told me and obviously he is at home taking care of himself having his wife and kids by his side.


This is why he turned off his cell phone, specially beause he doesn't want anybody to call him for business and job reasons. He is leaving on Thursday to the Bahamas but for vacations with his family.


I won't contact him anymore and will wait a few days or even weeks to see what happens. I did send him a text message telling him about my job interview I had with his brother and how thankful I was for him helping me pull this job thing off.


Maybe if he hears nothing from me for a while, this whole misunderstanding and confussion will fade away. After all, he needs full recovery and will take time for him to think of sex after this apendectomy right?


I feel bad for all the mess I created in my mind because I did not know why he disappered. I did hold a grudge on him and demanded for an explanation which I can't do to a married man but at least I set the record straight on him never having to worry about commitments and that he can be straight forward to tell me how he wants this whole thing to work out.

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I feel bad for all the mess I created in my mind because I did not know why he disappered. I did hold a grudge on him and demanded for an explanation which I can't do to a married man


You keep forgetting that your relationship is "casual" so stop stressing over someone else's husband.


but at least I set the record straight on him never having to worry about commitments and that he can be straight forward to tell me how he wants this whole thing to work out.


You need him to tell you? Again, it seems pretty self-explanatory to me.

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Guys, the man totally disappeared on me. I worte him to his e-mail, called him once to his mobile last week but the mobile was turned off. I feel bad, even if its casual sex, it is still bad enough that he disappered this way.

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He probably decided he wanted to work on his marriage.


If you care about him, you'll let him go and do what he feels is best for him. As the others have said, "casual sex" is rarely casual. In his case, it appears that it was.

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