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my boyfriends scared to fall in love,what can i do to help him

baby girl122

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baby girl122

my boyfriend and I talked and i know now that hes scared to fall in love and he's really shy but what i dont get is when i tell him that i love him, sometimes he'll tell me the same thing and sometimes he won't. i told him i want to be there for him but he's still shuting me out. how can i help him with this

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There is no such thing as scared to fall in love.


There are no excuses to explain away his reluctance to fall in love or say I love you.


Stop telling him you love him hoping/expecting him to say it back.


You will push him away with this behaviour.


He may feel pressured and nobody likes being pressured especially about declarations of love.


Leave him at his own pace to declare his love if he feels it but don't force it.


You will have to show some restraint and stop telling him you love him.


Just be affectionate instead.


You cannot force someone into loving you or saying 'I love you'.


Be patient and stop trying to make things happen before they are ready to.

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