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When does age start not to matter?

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I'm not sure if its due to still being in my training, but almost everyone I know is my age or 1-3 years older. I don't really associate with many people that far removed from my age group.


I mean, it would feel weird to hang around with 18 year olds even though they aren't that far removed from me. It just seems like they are different point in life


Is there a point in life where you just start seeing others as your peer regardless of how old they are? I just find it neat when I see saw older people hanging out with people who may be as many as 10 years younger than them

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:confused: What exactly is the problem? Do you mean when age doesnt become an issue in regards to dating? Well one of my best friends is 17 and previously was in an LDR with a 25 yr old. When I asked her about the age difference, she says it doesn't really come into play because she likes him for the person he is and not for his age.


I mean I used to have a dating age restriction, I never went out with guys who were more than 2-3 yrs my age. But now I don't really mind dating guys in their late 20s.

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one to three years is nothing! hell, i usually have an attraction to older women! I think you are looking too much into things and just enjoy the people you are hanging out rather than focusing needlessly on their age! maybe you are more mature for your age?!

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if your under 18 it's illegal in some states (just getting that out there).



However I think once your 25 (it seems to be the age where your have your head on better and think a bit more maturely) it's the "proper" time to seek someone 10 years older. It is not okay to do it when your 14 or even 17.


I think it's all about maturity; if your mature and at a LEGAL age it is okay to be in a relationship with whoever it may be- as long as they are not married or in a relationship already (throwing that out there too..you just never know).

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I guess I wasn't clear. I meant at what point do people not seem to care how old their friends are....where they don't mind hanging out with people of much widely differeing ages.


It just seems like most of my peers now hang out with people very very similar in age


But yet I see adults who have friends who are many years younger or older than them.

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I guess I wasn't clear. I meant at what point do people not seem to care how old their friends are....where they don't mind hanging out with people of much widely differeing ages.


It just seems like most of my peers now hang out with people very very similar in age


But yet I see adults who have friends who are many years younger or older than them.



ah well then it's a little different. however still a 16 year old isn't typically supposed to have a 26 year old friend unless it's a friend of the family then it's different but if it's just someone they met at say a party and thier parents do not know them it isn't very good. Men who are older usually prey on the younger females and it's not so good. A man that is 20 and is talking to a 15 year old has other intentions it just doesn't seem right (this is if he is not a friend of the family).


I say if your 13 it's okay to hang out with people no older than like 16ish because then well I just don't see an 18 y/o wanting to be friends with a 13 year old.


stay at a legal age thats all once your 18 or 21 (whatever the consetial age may be in your state or district) be friends with whomever just umm. watch your back and don't trust everyone and or anyone.

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Is there a point in life where you just start seeing others as your peer regardless of how old they are?


I recall starting to hang out with my friend's parents when I was around 10. Does that help? :D


Seriously, sounds like another numbers issue (like the other thread on sexual partners). Beyond childhood (I'm talking about consenting adults here), everyone is different and friendships/relationships usually occur where compatibility is found. IME, age is largely irrelevant. Also, you will find that age has nothing to do with sexual attraction. Time reveals all truths :)

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I guess I wasn't clear. I meant at what point do people not seem to care how old their friends are....where they don't mind hanging out with people of much widely differeing ages.


It just seems like most of my peers now hang out with people very very similar in age


But yet I see adults who have friends who are many years younger or older than them.


There's nothing wrong with that as long as people have things in common which is always what brings people together. A lot of my friends are 6 - 10 years older than me....when we hangout or talk we just enjoy each other's company. Remember age is only a #, it doesn't really factor in at all. What matters are life experiences.


Sometimes when I'm out with them, a lot of times they even forget I'm younger than them. When I say or do things that may be appropriate for my age (but not for theirs), it's just a reminder for them.

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I'm not sure when that happens. When you get into your mid-40's or so, you do tend to start viewing the world from a slightly different angle. In other words, you're seeing the bigger picture because you have a great deal of hindsight. (It may have something to do with reading glasses, too...I'm not sure.)


I don't think I really care so much about a person's age as I do their maturity level and how well we click. I have friends in wide ranges - from 24 to 60+. Everyone, no matter how old or young, has something that we can learn and enjoy from them. I think when you get older, age matters less and less in terms of friendships.

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I guess I wasn't clear. I meant at what point do people not seem to care how old their friends are....where they don't mind hanging out with people of much widely differeing ages.


It just seems like most of my peers now hang out with people very very similar in age


But yet I see adults who have friends who are many years younger or older than them.


When I was 11, I started hanging with ppl who were 18 and up. But then again, I was taking a language course class and we were classmates. I guess the thing is that age doesn't really matter as long as you have things in common.

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