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Too soon


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I've been with my boyfriend for a couple months now and we recently started having sex. I love being with him, but the sessions are extremely short if you no what I mean. He feels really, really bad, but I tell him it doesn't matter, & that I like just being with him anyway. He says that he never cared for a girl as much as he cares for me & he just gets extremely aroused. Sometimes it doesn't even last a minute. And when the second time comes around he can not stay erect. I'm wondering if things will get better with time or what the problem actually is. He is 24 and has been with 5 girls in his time. I don't want this to eventually affect what we have.

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This is a hard thing! (not literally) He may be nervous. Those "other" girls may have meant nothing to him and this time he wants to be serious with you. THis may be hard for a guy who's had his share of experience under the sheets. His nervousness may be causing him to not have a longlasting erection. His nervousness can be telling you either of two things: a)this is a warning for you. Once he does successfully have sex with you, what if leaves you and goes for another...you could just be a challenge for him. Or b)he feels "LOVE" for you and he's questioning his own sexulaity: Do I love her? What if I do it with her and we don't last? How is she different from the other girls?


Give it some time. Maybe wait awhile before having sex. There could be a reason why something is preventing you guys from doing it. And like always, remember, use protection. Also, he may have an STD since he's been around the block a few times, or he has an impotent problem, suggest going to a doc with him.

I've been with my boyfriend for a couple months now and we recently started having sex. I love being with him, but the sessions are extremely short if you no what I mean. He feels really, really bad, but I tell him it doesn't matter, & that I like just being with him anyway. He says that he never cared for a girl as much as he cares for me & he just gets extremely aroused. Sometimes it doesn't even last a minute. And when the second time comes around he can not stay erect. I'm wondering if things will get better with time or what the problem actually is. He is 24 and has been with 5 girls in his time. I don't want this to eventually affect what we have.
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I agree with Leeza. But your heading, "Too Soon," implies that he has trouble with premature ejaculation. If that's the case, he should first see a doctor and, if all checks out OK, a therapist. If premature ejaculation is the problem, I would suggest he masturbate one hour prior to lovemaking. This would perhaps extend your lovemaking experience. It sounds like he wants this to work out. Now, if he just can't keep an erection, Leeza is right on. Anxiety can be the culprit. Other things such as prescription medication, other drugs, certain foods, performance anxiety, blood pressure or circulation problems, diabetes, etc. can be a problem. Any text on sex will give you great insight.

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I've been with my boyfriend for a couple months now and we recently started having sex. I love being with him, but the sessions are extremely short if you no what I mean. He feels really, really bad, but I tell him it doesn't matter, & that I like just being with him anyway. He says that he never cared for a girl as much as he cares for me & he just gets extremely aroused. Sometimes it doesn't even last a minute. And when the second time comes around he can not stay erect. I'm wondering if things will get better with time or what the problem actually is. He is 24 and has been with 5 girls in his time. I don't want this to eventually affect what we have.



He just has a problem with premature ejaculation. Which is very common with men. Especially when they're young. He can learn to slow this down. If he feels himself losing control, he should stop stimulation. Take time out to pleasure you. Even if he loses his erection during that time, he won't have a problem getting it back once stimulation starts again. Also, if he ejactulates sooner than you would like him too, it doesn't mean that its over. He can still take time afterward to keep pleasuring you.

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