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How to be a better boyfriend.


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I'm a junior in college and busy as heck . My girlfriend is also busy-- but she always finds time for me. Sometimes I'm too busy to sustain my half of the relationship because I'm coding for days at a time. I really want her to know how much I love her and care about her so I've made a resolution to do little things everyday-- but I realized I need some help with this. I was wondering if anyone on the board could suggest some good ideas. I also need to practice listening, and was wondering if anyone out there had any pointers. Finally, her b-day is coming up in April and I want to make it really really special, any suggestions? Just trying to do my part to make her as special as she makes me feel.



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Steve: The best thing you could possibly do is let her know you posted these questions on the Internet, tell her which site, and print it out for her to see. Let her answer the questions for herself. If the fact that you took the time to ask the world how you could make her happy and keep up your end of the relationship doesn't make her feel very special, nothing will!!!

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I'm a junior in college and busy as heck . My girlfriend is also busy-- but she always finds time for me. Sometimes I'm too busy to sustain my half of the relationship because I'm coding for days at a time. I really want her to know how much I love her and care about her so I've made a resolution to do little things everyday-- but I realized I need some help with this. I was wondering if anyone on the board could suggest some good ideas. I also need to practice listening, and was wondering if anyone out there had any pointers. Finally, her b-day is coming up in April and I want to make it really really special, any suggestions? Just trying to do my part to make her as special as she makes me feel. --Steve




She would love it if you called her on your breaks and told her that you're thinking about her and that you miss her. Sneak a note in her purse once in a while. Send her an e-mail message. Have your picture taken and give one to her. The best present I ever got was on my fifteenth anniversary. He planned the entire evening. He made hotel reservations first. So he went to the hotel after work and got ready for our date. Then he picked me up at home. We had dinner, went dancing, and then to the hotel. Also, two weeks before that, he went with me to pick out an outfit to wear for that evening.

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