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Does she really have a right to be mad at me?

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We were roommates in college, so I"ve known her 12 years. She has a history of getting mad over dumb crap and we've gone 2 years without talking before. But now a days it's pretty much seemed like we've both grown up enough...so I thought. She's one of those people who takes very small things too personally at times. The type to get pouty.


We've been to 2 concerts together this summer, plus hanging out other times. There was another concert this weekend but I didn't make any plans to go. She already had tickets with friends. Earlier last week I agreed to attend a charity party with a friend from nursing school, which I was looking forward to as something different to do. Then a few days ago, my college friend called and said that one guy had to give up/sell his ticket for the concert. But I told her about my other plans and I would have to see.


She recently announced that she is moving away later this month. So there are plans for one last big gathering next weekend. Plus I've teamed up with someone to surprise her with a gift. A day later she emailed and asked about the concert. But I told her I just didn't want to back out on my other friend. She didn't write back and say that's cool or anything. I know her very well, and silence means pissed off. I wrote her to ask how the concert was, and nothing.She had earlier made a comment that basically I should choose the concert with her instead because she's moving away. I think this is a bit ignorant? #1, she was going with other people too so it's not like I left her hanging and #2 what if I just plain didn't want to go? #3, there are plans for a going-away party, so why does she think I should feel guilty about this? We go way back, but we certainly don't consider each other best friends or anything.


Is it just me or this her getting mad over something stupid again?

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I'm assuming she's not a girlfriend or anything. Well, everyone has a RIGHT to be angry so that's not really a good place to start. If she's angry, then she's angry. That's her take on the whole thing. And that's her right.


Do you have to put up with her poutiness over such trivial things? No. She puts a lot of pressure on you to do what she wants you to do, and then gets pissed off when you don't blow off other people for her. I would never expect someone to bail out on someone else on my whim. She's pretty petty and self-centered, if you ask me.

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I'm assuming she's not a girlfriend or anything. Well, everyone has a RIGHT to be angry so that's not really a good place to start. If she's angry, then she's angry. That's her take on the whole thing. And that's her right.


Do you have to put up with her poutiness over such trivial things? No. She puts a lot of pressure on you to do what she wants you to do, and then gets pissed off when you don't blow off other people for her. I would never expect someone to bail out on someone else on my whim. She's pretty petty and self-centered, if you ask me.


Yea maybe I should have worded the question differently...of course she has a right to feel however she wants. But thanks for agreeing with me on the rest, guess I was actually wondering if I should be focusing on her more just because she's moving. But plans are plans. And if I've invited for several things in the last few weeks but she always had plans, it would never even occur to me to take it personally..plans are plans!


She's more mature about this now, but there was a time that she would get pouty if she came out with me another girl friend and I didn't talk to her enough. She's always been pretty overweight and sometimes I think her insecurities about that play a role in her attitude.

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She's more mature about this now, but there was a time that she would get pouty if she came out with me another girl friend and I didn't talk to her enough. She's always been pretty overweight and sometimes I think her insecurities about that play a role in her attitude.


Or maybe she's just hoping to have a relationship with you. It does sound like she's overly jealous and possessive. It's probably good that she's moving away.

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Or maybe she's just hoping to have a relationship with you. It does sound like she's overly jealous and possessive. It's probably good that she's moving away.


No we are both girls and neither of us are gay. But yes she's always had a possessive thing about her. I guess that's where this whole thing comes from I don't know.

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No we are both girls and neither of us are gay. But yes she's always had a possessive thing about her. I guess that's where this whole thing comes from I don't know.


Oh! I just assumed you were a guy. Sorry! Well, I did wonder about a guy that would have 'Lovelace' as a name. hee! hee!


Yeah, you don't need someone like this in your life all the time. It truly gets on your nerves. I can see why that's bugging you. When I'm around people like that, I can feel the noose tightening. And then all I want to do is run away.

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